- To achieve this objective, the seafloor magnetolluric instrument must be equipped with the environmental parameter acquisition channel. 为达到这一目的,海底大地电磁仪内部设有环境参数采集通道,该通道对诸如方位、倾斜、温度等信息实施分时循环采集。
- Engine Parameter Acquisition Display is an important member of Helicopter Seat Room Display System, and is made of Engine Parameter Acquisition Unit (EPU) and Engine Parameter Display (EPD). 发动机参数采集显示系统是直升机座舱显示系统的一个重要部分,它由发动机参数采集器和发动机参数显示器两部分组成。
- Environment Parameters Acquisition System Research Based on XSL/B-08BS1 利用XSL/B-08BS1实现环境参数采集监测的应用
- The chocolate factory is his latest acquisition. 该巧克力工厂是他最近购买的。
- The school has a valuable new acquisition. 学校里来了个生力军。
- Study of phase-shift algorithm in electric parameter acquisition 电力参数采集中移相算法研究
- Reproducibility of optic disc parameters acquisition in heidelberg retina tomograph intraobserver and interobserver agreement in measurement of topometric data 共焦激光视盘扫描参数的可重复性研究
- We have to work within the parameters of time and budget. 我们工作受时间和财力所限。
- Next to acquiring good friends, the best acquisition is that of good books. 除了获得得好友之外,最有意义的获得就是获得好书。
- This motor-scooter is my latest acquisition. 这辆摩托车是我最新购置的。
- Design on autos running parameter acquisition system based on USB host 具有USB主机功能的汽车参数采集系统的设计
- His latest acquisition is a racehorse. 他最近购得一匹赛马。
- This bookcase is my latest acquisition. 这个书架是我最新购置的。
- Fraudulent acquisition of another's property. 诈欺取财以诈术获取他人财产
- parameters acquisition 参数采集
- This is acquisition lit with wonder and glory. 这样的收获洋溢着奇妙与光荣。
- Let's benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. 让我们掂量这些点点滴滴:是的,我注定会死去。
- Strain Gauge Patterns Sizes and Parameters. 应变计尺寸形状及参数。
- She will be quite an acquisition to the club. 她将成为这个俱乐部不可多得的新成员。
- Can you talk about your acquisition strategy? 能否谈一下你们的并购策略?