- You have an obligation to pay your debt to society. 你有义务偿还对社会的债务。
- paid your debt to nature v. 死(寿终)
- pay your debt to nature vi. 死(寿终)
- If you fail to pay your debt to the bank in time, you will be punished both financially and mentally,as there will be taints on your credit profile. 如果你不还债,银行在一段时间后,你将会受到惩罚都经济和精神,也必有里放在你的信用档案。
- If you owed money, you had to pay your debt. 有债必还。
- This will cancel your debt to me. 这可抵消你欠我的债务。
- The court may have to levy on your estate to pay your debts. 法庭可能不得不扣押你的房地产,用来偿付你的债务。
- This last payment will wipe out your debt to me. 这最后一笔付款将了结你欠我的债务。
- If you do not pay your debt, your property will be detained. 如果你不还债,你的财产将被扣押。
- If you don't pay your debt, your property will be seized. 如果你不还债, 你的财产将被扣押。
- Thank you for writing to us frankly on your inability to pay your debt. 感谢你方来函坦诚相告无法如期付款一事。
- The court may have to levy on your property to pay your debts . 法庭也许不得不扣押你的财产来还你的债。
- Moving away will not absolve you of the responsibility for paying your debt. 离开的做法并不能免除你的还债责任。
- The court may have to levyon your estate to pay your debts. 法庭可能不得不扣押你的房地产,用来偿付你的债务。
- The court may have to levy on your property to pay your debts. 法庭也许不得不扣押你的财产来还你的债。
- You cannot get out of paying your debts. 你没法回避偿还债务。
- Miracles are contrary to nature. 奇迹是与大自然的力量相对的。
- Do not cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts . 不要抱有你父亲会永远替你还债的幻想。
- Your debt to me is still to be satisfied.One hundred years in servitude aboard the Dutchman.As a start. (译:你欠我的帐还是要还的,在荷兰人号服务一百年,这是起码的)
- Doing evil leads to karmic retribution. Karmic retribution pays your debt and leads to liberation. 造恶如欠债,欠债当受报;受报如还债,还债即解脱。