- cargo tonnage (总称) 货物吨
- 以下INSERT语句将一个NULL值插入到表Borrowed_book的date_returned列中。 The following INSERT statement inserts a NULL into the date_returned column of the Borrowed_book table.
- 例如,您可以确保图书馆数据库中的date_returned条目晚于date_borrowed条目。 For example, you can ensure that a date_returned entry is later than a date_borrowed entry in a library database.
- 试比较 cargo、 freight、 goods这三个词 Compare cargo, freight and goods
- fine cargo (指包装完整未受损害的货物) 净货
- frozen cargo (冷藏船装运华氏30以下货物) 冷冻货
- chilled cargo (冷藏船装运保持华氏30-40货物) 冷货
- air cooling cargo (冷藏船装运保持华氏40-60货物) 凉货
- 然而最使他心神不宁的,是店里的寿生出去收账到现在还没有回来,林先生是等着寿生收的钱来开销“客账”。What made him most uneasy was that his assistant Shousheng still hadn't returned from the bill collec He needed the money to pay off his account with the big Shanghai wholesale house.
- 翡翠航空(Jade Cargo)是深圳航空与德国汉莎航空(Lufthansa)组建的合资企业,一年前开始运营,此后一直在以每三个月增加一架波音(boeing)747飞机的速度扩大机队。 Jade Cargo, a joint venture between Shenzhen Airlines and German airline Lufthansa, started flying a year ago and has since been adding aircraft at the rate of one Boeing 747 every three months.