- Keywords tuwu-cuprum deposit;overlay stratum;distributing rule; 土屋铜矿;覆盖层;分布规律;
- After mining,the distribution features of mining fissure in overlying stratum are closely related to the suction of relieved methane. 煤层开采后,覆岩采动裂隙分布特征与卸压瓦斯抽采密切相关。
- However, the overlying stratum of the fault is not offset since about 50 000 years.It is concluded that the Donggang fault is not a capable fault. 但约5万年以来断层的上覆地层没有被错断,因此认为东岗断层不是能动断层。
- The overlying strata movement is a complicated dynamic process. 摘要矿山开采引起上覆岩层的移动是一个复杂的动态过程。
- The comprehensive study of complex effect of key stratum plays an important role in understanding control mechanism of key stratum in overlying strata within mining influence. 研究关键层的复合效应对深入揭示关键层在采动覆岩中的控制机理具有重要推动作用。
- overlay stratum 覆盖层
- Finally the existence of key layer of overlying strata is proved with practical example. 最后,用实例证明了覆岩关键层的存在及对地表下沉的影响。
- There used to be igneous intrusions into coal measures and overlying strata in the Hanxing coalfield. 邯邢煤田煤系及其上覆地层中常有岩浆岩侵入体穿插。
- In the local or global movement of rock mass under mining,overlying strata play a key role. 上覆岩层对采动岩体活动全部或局部起决定性作用,上覆岩层运动是一个复杂的时空过程,具有时效性。
- They represent each society stratum. 他们代表各个社会阶层。
- When mining under water, the height of the water suture zone in the goaf's overlying strata has direct effect on the safety of the production in mines. 为解决进行水下开采时,采空区上覆岩层导水裂缝带的发育高度直接影响煤矿安全生产问题。
- It is also shown that digital speckle correlation method has higher accuracy, and richens the research method of overlying strata movement. 数据分析还表明,数字散斑相关方法具有较高的精度,这一新的研究方法引入,丰富了上覆岩层活动规律的研究手段。
- It also contrasts and analyzes the influence of thin and thick overlying strata on the height of caving zone and water flowing f... 结果表明覆岩越薄,两带高度越小,对提高开采上限具有积极的意义。
- They do not constitute a separate class or stratum. 知识分子和青年学生并不是一个阶级或阶层。
- By the analogy simulation tests on Xingtai mine, the failure characteristics of overlying strata and its displacement regularity are studied. 笔者是通过相似模拟试验对邢台矿的煤层上覆岩层破坏特征及其位移变化规律和顶板的应力变化规律进行了研究。
- Base on the mining practice,suppose the overlying strata a elasticity sheet metal,establish a new ground prediction model. 基于矿山开采的实际情况,将上覆受采动影响的岩层假设成弹性薄板,应用弹性板理论,建立了一种新的地表沉陷预计模型。
- Because overlying Strata upon shallow coal seam is thin, movement and stress behaviors of overlying Strata all bear particularity during mining. 浅埋煤层由于上覆岩层较薄,在回采过程中,上覆岩层的移动及矿山压力的显现,均具有特殊性。
- He hates the privileged stratum. 他憎恨特权阶层。
- This is a stratum we must win over. 这一阶层,我们是必须争取的。
- Overlying strata spatial structures of longwall formed by working faces that is mined and four sides are substance coal are named "O" letter type spatial structures. 我们把一面采空(四周为实体煤)形成的采场覆岩空间结构称为“O”型空间结构。