- Rainwater Discharge Design for Urban Overhead Rail Road 城市轨道交通高架桥面雨水排放设计
- Carcass holding area (required when chilling room is not set up) Overhead rails and forced air blower shall be equipped. 七屠体待运区(未设预冷室者应设之):应设置高架吊轨及送风设施。
- It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜。
- The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive. 日常开支太高了。
- Seagulls were circling overhead. 海鸥在头顶山盘旋。
- Her overhead smash went out of the court. 她的高手扣球打出了场外。
- A flock of wild geese flew overhead. 一群野鹅从头顶飞过。
- The coal will be shipped by rail. 这些煤将用火车装运。
- The airplane was immediately overhead. 飞机几乎就在正上方。
- If you are under 26 you can buy cheap rail tickets. 未满26岁者可购买廉价火车票。
- I can hear a plane flying overhead. 我听到一架飞机正从上空飞过。
- The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958. 当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了。
- The goods have been consigned (to you) by rail. 货物已交由铁路发运(给贵方).
- The city has decided to do away with overhead wires. 那个城市决定取消架在空中的电线指将把电线埋入地下。
- I have forwarded you by rail the sample you write for. 我已经把您写信索要的样品通过铁路送给您。
- Reducing overhead take priority over increasing turnover. 与增加营业额相比,应优先考虑降低间接费用。
- Their office is in central Beijing, so their overhead is very high. 他们的办事处设在北京市中心,所以他们的日常开支很大。
- Six million commuters travel to work by rail each day. 每天有600万乘客(通勤人员)乘火车上班。
- The trolley bus picks up current from an overhead wire. 无轨电车的电能是通过架空线供给的。
- British rail is put on extra train during the holiday period. 英国铁路公司於假期里额外增加火车投入运营。