- One would guess him to be seventy years of age. 人们会以为他有七十岁了。
- Though nearly seventy years of age, he is still hale and fresh as paint. 他虽年近七十,但身子硬朗,精力充沛。
- Though nearly seventy years of age,he is still hale and fresh as paint. 他虽年近七十,但身子硬朗,精力充沛。
- Wang Shouren has been an old person of year of close seventy years of age, etc do poineering work board, he had waited 10 years fully superabundant. 王守仁已经是一个年近古稀的老人,等创业板,他已经足足等了十年有余。
- Contract the Lv of old person of seventy years of age of hilltop should come very become enamoured ground says, because,that is " 3 delegates " spring breeze blew Jue head hill. 多少年来,这座山一直荒着,可是最近几年,荒山渐渐绿了起来。承包山头的古稀老人吕应来颇为动情地说,那是因为“三个代表”的春风吹上了镢头山。
- Hundred years, sapling is OK and very tall, prime of life already seventy years of age, but passed the one by one of time only,experienced talent sees more outstanding. 百年,小树可以参天,壮年已然古稀,可是只有经过了时间的历练才越见卓越。
- Year the emeritus cadre of close seventy years of age Mr Wu, hold to every health care of second whole body is massaged on Monday already 3 years superabundant, divine Qing Dynasty enrages bright. 年近古稀的退休干部吴先生,坚持每星期一次全身保健按摩已3年有余,神清气爽。
- Are your dad and mom over 65 years of age? 公公婆婆65岁了吗?
- You need to be over 18 years of age. 你需要年满18岁!
- Anyone over eighteen years of age counts as adult. 凡是超过18岁的都算成年人。
- These young braves who all those years ago went through many tests before they could take part in the coming of age ceremony are now all over seventy. 这些当年经过层层考验,才得以参加成年礼祭舞的少年勇士,如今都已是七十岁以上的老人家了。
- The prize was up for grabs to anyone under16 years of age. 任何16岁以下的人都可以参加这场奖品的争夺。
- With a history of over seventy years, VON ARDENNE possesses abundant experiences and great performance in vacuum field. 公司拥有70多年的发展历史,并在真空领域具有丰富的经验和出色的业绩。
- For over seventy years, we have been placing our technical Know-How at your disposal to make life both easier and more convenient. 七十多年来,我们一直将崭新的技术引进于家居生活上,令家务更趋简单舒服。
- The authorised representative must be over 18 years of age. 获授权的代表必须超过18岁。
- He was over eighty years of age,infirm and totally blind. 他80多岁了,身体虚弱,双目失明。
- The article focuses on the Catholicism in Guangdong and discusses its process of development, preservation and declining during the such period of over seventy years. 本文以在粤活动的天主教为研究对象,探讨在康雍乾朝清廷厉行禁教的七十多年时间里,广东天主教的发展、保存与衰落的过程。
- The child is six, going on seven years of age. 这个孩子现在六岁,快到七岁了
- The children average seven years of age. 这些孩子平均年龄为7岁。
- Professor Su Buqing was a distinguished educationist, who had devoted to the cause of the higher eduction for over seventy years and accumulated a lot of practical experience in his lifetime. 杰出的教育家苏步青教授从教70余年,任副校长、校长15年,形成了丰富的高等教育思想,主要有:大学自主办学的观点;