- organic phase ratio 有机相比例
- The DYC is directly affected by the phase ratio and the shape of structure. 两相的相对量和组织形态,影响着双屈服特性。
- Fig.2 CCD images of the dropping flow formed by the aqueous phase and organic phase in microchannel. 图2.;微通道中水相(催化剂)与有机相形成的柱塞流。
- It also discusses how to raise recovery rate and resolve the emulsification and aging of organic phase. 并就如何提高铟回收率及解决有机相乳化、者化等问题进行了探讨。
- Effect of distribution constant and gas-liquid phase ratio on sensitiv ity of static headspace gas chromatography was discussed. 结果表明这些因素对不同组分顶空分析灵敏度的影响有显著差异。
- The result shows that extraction increases with AOT concentration in organic phase,decreases with HCl concentration. 结果表明:AOT浓度增大萃取分配系数增大;
- The effects of initiator dosage, stirring rate, phase ratio and polymerization time on particle size and monodispersity were investigated. 迄今的有关研究主要集中在凝胶微粒的温度感应特性方面,而对其粒径大小及单分散性方面还未见系统研究报道。
- The effects of pH of aqueous solution, reaction time, concentration of LK-C2 and phase ratio (O/A) on the extraction rate were investigated. 结果表明:采用LK-C2从废线路板酸性浸出液中可选择性萃取分离铜,铜/铁分离系数超过2 000,溶液中锌和锡几乎不被萃取;
- The sorption of Acenaphthene and Phenanthrene was characterized by linear isotherm, indicating solute partition between water and the organic phase in soil. 土壤对多环芳烃的吸附去除效果明显,其中苊和菲的吸附等温线呈线性。
- Most of Au(I) (~93%) in the organic phase can be stripped into the aqueous phase with high concentration of NH4SCN(>3.0 mol/L) or KI (>2.0 mol/L). 高KI浓度(>2.;0 mol/L)可将有机相中绝大部分(94%25)的金反萃出来
- The stabilities of the hybrid system before photocuring decrease with the temperature but increase with the organic phase content. 研究了未固化的杂化体系的稳定性问题,并对其进行了结构表征和性能研究。
- Palladium and platinum can be extracted and separated if acid concentration in water phase and MSO concentration in organic phase are controlled well. 在控制料液酸度和MSO浓度的条件下可有效地萃取分离钯与铂。
- Palladium and platinum can be extracted and separated if acid concentration in water phase and MSO concentration in organic phase are cont... 也考察了氯化铵的氨水溶液反萃取钯的适宜条件。
- The paper described the theory of static headspace gas chromatography ,including multiple phase equilibration method,various gas-liquid phase ratio method and standard adding method. 系统讨论了静态顶空气相色谱的原理,包括多次相平衡法、改变相比法和标准加入定量法。
- The factors influencing the enantioselectivity of enzyme catalyzed asymmetric transformations in organic phase, and the enzymatic resolution kinetics are discussed. 总结了有机溶剂中的酶催化研究进展,讨论了影响有机溶剂中酶促不对称转化过程对映体选择性的因素和拆分动力学。
- A description and review on the techniques of avoiding second organic phase in the treatment of high level liquid waste (HLLW) by solvent extraction is presented. 概要介绍和评述了用溶剂萃取法处理高放废液时避免产生第二有机相的若干技术:复合萃取体系、芳香烃作为稀释剂、稀释法、还原法、络合法以及非平衡萃取法。
- The organic phases (neutral and basic fractions) were concentrated for trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives. 将尿样本经酶水解、碱化、有机溶剂提取;
- Stripping behaviors of 30% TRPO-kerosene organic phase containing actinide elements in nitric acid, oxalic acid and sodium carbonate solutions were studied. The conditions for stripping actinide elements were given. 研究了含锕系元素的30%25TRPO-煤油负载有机相在硝酸、草酸和碳酸钠溶液中的反萃行为,给出了锕系元素的反萃条件。
- We used the ferrocene (Fc) in l,2-dichloroethane(DCE) as organic phase, ascorbic acid(AA) acted as redox reagent in aqueous, tetrabutylammonium cation (TBA+) served as the common ions in two phase. 应用二茂铁(Fc)的1,2-氯乙烷(DCE)溶液作为有机相,抗坏血酸(AA)的水溶液作为水相,四丁基铵离子(TBA~+)作为两相中的共同离子。
- The mechanism of the third-phase elimination by modifier TBP in the N235/HCl solvent extraction system were investigated by means of the conductivity changes of extraction organic phase. 通过测定萃取有机相的电导率变化研究叔胺N235(三烷基胺)萃取盐酸体系中第三相的形成及改性剂消除第三相的作用机理。