- organic dye laser 有机染料激光器
- tunable organic dye laser 可调谐有机染料激光器
- For example, yellow pulsed dye laser and excimer laser have been shown to clear skin lesions caused by psoriasis. 例如,黄波脉冲染料激光器和受激准分子激光器已经证实可清除牛皮癣导致的皮肤损伤。
- Such tracking is difficult to achieve, because each organic dye must be excited with a different wavelength of light. 类似的追踪并不容易达成,因为每种有机染剂都必须以不同波长的光线激发。
- Analysis of rencent effects of pulsed dye laser in the treatment of 11 rosacea patients. 脉冲染料激光治疗早期酒渣鼻11例近期疗效分析。
- Upconversion Lasing and Optical Power Limiting Properties of a New Organic Dye HEASPS[J]. 引用该论文 周广勇;任燕;王春;王东;邵宗书;蒋民华.
- Q - switched Nd: YAG dye laser therapy is a safe and highly effective therapy for case with nevus of Ota. 调Q开关Nd:YAG染料激光治疗太田痣效果满意、安全。
- Phenolphthalein : This chemical is an organic dye that is toxic in large quantities. 酚酞:这个化学药品是一个有机染料,大剂量是有毒的。
- Experimental results are presented that demonstrate instibilities in a cw homogeneously broadened ring dye laser. 本文介绍了研究连续波环形染料激光器不稳定性的实验结果。
- This has been proved experimentally in general linear xenon flashlamp pumped dye laser. 在普通直管氙灯泵浦的染料激光器中,实验上证实了这点。
- BCCs have abnormal vasculature that could be a treatment target for the pulsed dye laser, according to her abstract. 根据她的摘要,基底细胞癌具有不正常的血管系统,这可能可以成为一个脉冲激光治疗的靶点。
- Histopathological changes confirmed that pulsed dye laser was the treatment choice for vascular lesion. 组织学研究表明,染料激光能选择性作用于皮损的血管组织。
- Abstract: A new highly sensitive radiochromic film is developed by using poly(vinyl butyral) as the base and using acetylene-type compounds as organic dye material. 摘 要: 以聚乙烯醇缩聚物为基质,以类丁二炔化合物为有机染色材料,研制了一种高灵敏度新型辐射变色膜。
- We describe modeling the solid-state dye laser with the microcavity size comparable to light wavelength. 模拟了腔尺寸接近光波长的固体染料微激光器。
- We reported here on the synthesis and photophysical properties of a novel coumarin-based organic dye (15) as well as its application dye coated PTFE-framed TiO2 solar cell (DSSC). 在初步的测试下,证明在分子设计下的香豆素染料是有希望应用在染料敏化太阳能电池上的。
- These results are used to discuss the optimizing design of a CW laser seeded multistage dye laser amplifier. 最后利用这些结果,对连续激光的多级染料放大系统的优化设计进行了讨论。
- Changes of Hydroxyproline Following Non-ablative Photorejuvenation by 595 nm Pulsed Dye Laser[J]. 引用该论文 党永岩;任秋实;杨青;李万荣;刘毓秀.
- This paper describes the theoretical analysis and experimental investigation of PTM mode operation of the flash-lamp pumped R-6G dye laser. 本文描述了闪光灯泵浦的若丹明6G有机染料激光器的PTM模式运转的理论分析和实验研究.
- In this study, an argon laser pumped dye laser system was used to give a CW laser beam at 630 nm which was split and coupled into three optical fibers. 本研究采用氩激光泵浦染料激光器系统,获得630nm波长的连续波治疗光。
- The linear and nonlinear optical properties of an new organic dye, Tra ns-4-[p-carbazol-9-ylstyryl]Thelinearandnonlinearopticalpropertiesofanneworganicdye,Trans 4 [p carbazol 9 ylstyryl] ] N methylpyridiniumiodide(CSPI) ,arereported . 报道了一种有机染料Trans 4 [p carbazol 9 ylstyryl] ] N methylpyridiniumiodide的线性和非线性光学性质。