- order with customer rs brand 来牌定货
- trade of processing with customer rs materials 米料加工贸易
- I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. 我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。
- Deal with customer 's urgent order. 处理客户紧急订单。
- They perturbed good social order with their lies and propaganda. 他们以谎言和宣传扰乱良好的社会秩序。
- They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft. 他们向我们订购了三架新飞机。
- order with customer's brand 来牌定货
- The new store is crowded with customers. 这家新开的商店里挤满了顾客。
- I hope after the first supply your customer will place regular order with us. 我希望首次供货之后,贵方顾客将长期订货。
- He was the tough guy, the big shot, who gave orders with the crack of a whip. 他是个威风凛凛发号施令的强悍的家伙,是个大人物。
- This variety is now out of favor with customer. 这个品种现在已不受顾客喜欢了。
- Shall your price meet us, we shall be pleased to place a big order with you. 如贵公司所提供的价格适当,我公司将大量订购。
- Be proficient in English with customer. 能熟练运用英语与客人交谈。
- Do you have any experience with customer relations? 你有任何客户关系方面的经验吗?
- When do you intend to place the order with us? 贵方何时向我公司下订单。
- Having good ability to communicate with customer. 具有很好的与客户沟通能力;
- Ll be placing an order with you in a few days. 我们将在几天内定货。
- Liaison with customer on contract price and terms. 与客户就合同的内容和价格进行谈判。
- IE: to place an order with somebody. 和某人订订单。
- We're ready to place an order with you. 我们准备从你们那里订货。