- She loved to order people about. 她喜欢对人发号施令。
- What right have you to order people about? 你有什么资格向别人发号施令?
- We don't like the way he orders people about. 我们不喜欢他那种支使人的作风。
- He is a retired admiral and still has the habit of ordering people about. 他是个退休了的海军将军,还留着随意支使人的习惯。
- When ordering people about ,women are very clever by using soft imperative sentences. 女人发号施令的手段很高明,用的都是口气柔和的祈使句。
- be in the habit of ordering people about; be bossy 爱使唤人
- I wish he'd stop pushing people about as though they were children. 我希望他别再把人家当作小孩一样来对待了。
- David likes bossing people about. 大卫喜欢对人发号施令。
- One is to educate people about tuberculosis. 第一是宣传有关肺结核疾病的知识;
- The object is to educate people about road safety. 目的就是教育人们注意交通安全。
- He likes to try and order people around, but no one buys it. 他喜欢对别人指手画脚,但没人买他的账。
- There is a crowd of people about him. 一群人围着他。
- Would you tell people about the Glo to Sleep?? 问:你能睡比较长的好觉吗?
- Emperor ordered people to build it as his tomb . 皇帝命令人们修建它作为他的坟墓。
- I'm afraid you'd have to ask other people about that. 恐怕你得问别人。
- He went round interviewing people about local traditions. 他到处找人访谈,了解当地的传统。
- I have no idea either, but I will ask people about it. 我也不知道,不过我会问问别人。
- The official sitting in the county seat can't order people around like one sitting right here. 县官不如现管。
- We need to teach young people about the alternatives. 我们需要教关于替代选择的年轻人。