- optimal separation condition 最佳分离条件
- Optimized separation conditions for the determination of encapsulation efficiency of liposome-encapsulated capsaicin 葡聚糖微型凝胶柱测定辣椒碱柔性脂质体包封率的条件探讨
- "Human "and "nature" cannot be hypothesized as some kind of separation condition abstractly and isolately. “人”与“自然界”不能“抽象地”、“孤立地”设定为某种分离的状态。
- "Human" and "nature" cannot be hypothesized as some kind of separation condition abstractly and isolately. “人”与“自然界”不能“抽象地”、“孤立地”设定为某种分离的状态。
- Thus optimal separation performance could be achieved by adjusting the split ratio according to water content.In case of a higher water content, a greater ratio of underflow/... 因此,一方面可以通过调节底流分率以获得最佳的分离性能,另一方面当含水量较大时可应用较大底流溢流口径比的旋流器。
- For students with joint laxity, it allows for the possibility of optimal separation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb from the same joint in the index finger. 刚接触钢琴的学生对此毫无感觉,只能从单个音开始,也还谈不上手指的彻底独立;
- By means of HPLC analysis rhamnose, glucose, fructose, xylose, galactose five kinds of monosaccharides, the best separation condition of the monosaccharide is obtained. 初步确定银耳多糖中含有鼠李糖、木糖、果糖和葡萄糖;摩尔比为0.;29:1
- The phases of sulfuric acid slag of various sizes were drawn by seven-step method in the improved separation condition of disturber, and phases of thallium were compared before and after the slag was grinned to analyze phase migration. 为了进一步探讨颗粒物中铊相态提取的技术和方法,在优化干扰物分离条件下,采用七步法提取了几种不同粒径硫酸废渣中铊的相态,比较了废渣研磨前、后各相态铊的异同。
- The LSA-5B macroporous adsorption resin prolided the optimal separating efficiency. LSA-5B型大孔吸附树脂对莲心生物碱具有较大吸附量。
- The computer aided target optimization method for GC separation condition wasdeveloped. And the feasibility of this method was further verified by the conditionoptimization for chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) samples. 发展了计算机辅助的气相色谱目标优化方法,以氯代烃(CHCs)和挥发性有机物(VOCs)样品为例,验证了目标优化方法的可行性;
- Then the method to construct the optimal separating hyperplane and some basic concept are described simply. 然后,简单介绍了SVM的构造过程及其一些基本概念。
- In chapter 2, the gas chromatographic separation condition of several natural and synthetic estrogens was optimized.SPE as a pretreatment method, the estrogens in river water were determined. 第二章研究了几种天然与合成雌激素的气相色谱分离,采用固相萃取法处理样品测定了护城河水中雌激素的含量情况。
- A lot of face samples and "not face" samples are used to train the SVM classifier, to get optimal separating hyperplane in the training. 训练过程是用大量人脸样本、“非人脸”样本训练SVM分类器,使之获得一个最优分类超平面。
- According to PPT separability condition, it is an entangled state, however, not all entangled states can be used for nonlocality proof. 利用PPT判据,可以证明该混合态是纠缠态,但是并不是所有的纠缠态都可以用来做非定域性证明。
- It is also seen associated with lissencephaly in Wire-haired Fox Terriers and Irish Setters, and as a separate condition in Chow Chows. 在刚毛猎狐梗和爱尔兰雪达犬中发现该疾病与无脑回畸形有关。松狮犬中也发现该疾病与其它疾病有关。
- Then, taken the yield as the objective function, the built ED model was used to determine the optimum separation conditions of Naringin and Neohesperidin. 将ED模型应用到柚皮苷和新橙皮苷色谱分离操作条件的优化。
- Image separation conditions, effects of recording medium resolution. Computer-generated holograms, real-time holography. 7 7影像分离条件,纪录媒体解析度的影响,计算机产生的全像图,即时全像图。
- The fuzzy membership of each sample is defined by affinity among samples,and by the training determine a threshold,noises and outliers are removed,which influence optimal separating hyperplane. 应用基于样本之间的紧密度确定每个样本的模糊隶属度,通过训练确定阀值,去除影响得到最优分类超平面的噪声和野点。
- The separation conditions of carboboride and boron nitride were established by detecting the dissolution curve of electrolytical residua. 通过测定电解残渣的溶解曲线,确定了碳硼化物与氮化硼相定量分离的条件;
- Methods Under the various separating condition, the anticoagulating active components of scorpion were appraised with thin layer chromatography (TLC) and paper chromatography. 方法用不同的展开剂,采用薄层色谱法和纸层析法对全蝎抗凝活性成分进行鉴定和分析。