- An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loading and execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
- An operation technique in which there are no stops between the assembling, loadingand execution of a computer program. 一种操作技术,使一个计算机程序的汇编、装入和执行连续地进行。
- The paper introduces the E-mail address knowledge,the operation technique of sending and other service functions. 介绍了 E- m ail的地址知识、发送的操作技巧及多项服务功能。
- Objective To explore the best operation technique in order to reduce adverse reaction of two CD3AK cell autotransfusion methods. 目的探讨减少CD3AK细胞输入不良反应的最佳技术操作方法。
- Objective:To explore the methods and operation technique of choledocholithotomy with laparoscope and choledochofibersope,and T tube drain. 目的:探讨腹腔镜下胆总管切开、纤维胆道镜取石、T管引流术的方法及手术技巧。
- Objective:To approach the role and operation technique of the laparoscope explorations in the patients of unknown causes ascites. 目的:探讨腹腔镜在不明原因腹水病人探查的作用和操作技巧。
- Objective:To investigate the operation technique of transurethral vaporization of bladder tumor(TUVBT) and the prevention of its complications. 目的:探讨经尿道膀胱肿瘤汽化电切术(TUVBT)的手术方式和并发症的防治。
- Conclusion Drug plates, media, adhesive paper, parasites and operation technique can affect the result of in vitro microtest for drug sensitivity of P. falciparum. 结论涂药板、培养基、密封胶带纸、疟原虫及操作技术等均可影响体外微量法测定结果。
- Utilizing peculiarities of platform cluster well groups the cross operation technique of riser pipe, surface and oil formation is executed to improve drilling efficiencies. 充分利用平台丛式井组特点,施行隔水管、表层及油层交叉作业工艺,提高了钻井效率;
- Problems existing in converter smelting and deoxidation alloying courses are found,operation technique is optimized and corresponding improved measures are advanced. 找出了转炉冶炼和脱氧合金化环节中存在的问题,优化了操作工艺,提出了相应的改进措施。
- Objective:To explore the indications,operation technique of video assisted thoracic surgery(VATS) and the prevention and treatment of its complications. 目的:探讨电视胸腔镜手术的适应证、手术要点、并发症的防治等。
- Objective:To explore the operative technique of parasagittal meningiomas. 目的:探讨矢状窦旁脑膜瘤的手术方法与技巧。
- The second part elaborates the Taiwan synthesis skill front center later period operation technique, and carries on the summary induction through some examples. 第二个部份经过一些例子详细地说明台湾综合技术前面的中央较迟的时期操作技术 , 和在摘要的归纳法上的进位。
- Aqueous two-phase extraction(ATPE)was growing up with the application of the continuous operation technique in the conventional equipment controlled by computer recently. 近年来,双水相萃取(ATPE)已经发展成由计算机控制、在常规萃取设备中、能连续操作的分离技术。
- Purpose:To investigate the indications, operation techniques and clinical effects of modified Indiana pouch. 目的 :探讨改良Indiana膀胱术的适应证、手术方法并对疗效进行评估。
- It states operating technique of Authorware, expansible structure of hypertext and realization of guidance. 阐述了利用Authorware制作课件的一些使用技巧及超文本的扩展层次结构和导航方式的实现方法.
- Objective To improve the operating technique for and reduce postoperative relapse rate of thyrohyoid cyst/fistula. 目的总结甲状舌管囊肿(瘘)切除术的经验,减少手术复发率。
- Objective To improve the operative technique of endoscopic middle meatal antrostomy. 目的探讨更为完善的上颌窦自然孔开窗术。
- Study the principle and the operational techniques of micro-Kjeldahl method. 学习凯氏定氮法的原理和操作技术。
- Objective: To investigate the surgical indication and operative technique of intracranial arachnoid cysts. 目的:探讨颅内蛛网膜囊肿(IAC)的手术指征和手术方法。