- The under-excitation operation of power generators is difficult to carry out in Guangdong power grid due to some misunderstanding on it. 当前,在广东电网开展发电机进相运行工作中一些人对进相运行的机理不太清楚,认识上存在误区。
- Along with the formation of regional interconnection of power grid,the stable operation of interconnected power grid will be a great challenge. 随着电力系统区域性联合趋势的形成,联合电网稳定运行是一大挑战。
- The power grid enterprise, its power dispatching institution, power grid users and relevant entities shall jointly maintain the safe and stable operation of power grids. 电网企业及其电力调度机构、电网使用者和相关单位应当共同维护电网的安全稳定运行。
- AGC, one important kind of ancillary services, is the significant guarantee for safe and efficient operation of power grids. 摘要AGC是辅助服务的重要组成部分,也是电网安全高效运行的重要保障。
- Efforts will be made to deepen the reform of the power supply system, gradually separate the operations of power plants and power grids, introduce power grid entry through bidding, and establish a rational electric rate formation system. 深化电力体制改革,逐步实行厂网分开、竞价上网,健全合理的电价形成机制。
- The hidden failures and power system frequency response characteristics are considered in this model and it can be used to help designers and operators of power grids to get the crit. 模型考虑了保护隐藏故障、计及了系统频率特性,可以帮助系统规划、设计和运行人员找到系统发生连锁故障的临界负载率、关键线路,并得到某种运行状态下的连锁故障风险指标。
- operation of power grid 电网运行
- Its operation shows that Jiaxing stands in the front rank in Zhejiang in the capability and technology of power grid construction. 该工程的投产,标志着嘉兴在电网建设的自建能力、科技含量等方面均位居全省前列。
- Strengthen the electric power grid construction and non-power compensation, practice the power grid economy operation technology, and reduce the losses of power grid. 建设坚强电网,加强无功补偿,实施电网经济运行技术,降低电网损耗。
- Rules on Operation of Power Grids (for Trial Implementation) [Effective] 电网运行规则(试行)[现行有效]
- It requires further enhancement of power transmission capability to improve security and stability of power grid operation and increase power dealing of . 进一步提高西电东送输电能力是提高电网运行安全性、加大西电东送规模及满足供电需求的需要。
- The instable voltage of power grid shortens the service life of street lamps. 电网供电电压不稳定,致使路灯的使用寿命缩短。
- The effect of reactive power to the economic operation of the power grid is analyzed starling from analysis on the operation status of Shihezi power network and its changing law of the line loss. 从石河子电网(文中简称石网)无功电压的运行现状及线损率的变化规律出发,分析了无功电压对电网经济运行的影响,并从技术、经济、管理三方面提出如何加强无功电压管理、降低电网线路损耗的建议。
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- SFC is mainly used for turning the unit to rated speed in motor direction for parrelling of power grid. 天荒坪抽水蓄能有限责任公司的静态变频器 ( SFC)主要用于将机组拖动至电动机方向的额定转速 ,从而使机组并网。
- In the power industry has more influence, customers around the 5 major groups and all levels of power grid companies. 在电力行业有比较大的影响力,客户主要遍布5大发电集团和各级电网公司。
- At last, the application of power grid topology analysis and power grid coloration aspect was described. 最后描述了电网图在电网拓扑分析和电网着色方面的应用。
- The operation of a railroad needs many men. 铁路的营运需要很多人。
- The paper introduces the design of power grid interlink and EMS system between offshore platforms. 本文介绍了南海某油田群海上石油平台电力组网及其EMS系统的设计。
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。