- Excuse me: Express cost is to do on the accountant in " overhead expenses " in still do in " operating expenses " in? 请问:快递费在会计上是做在“治理费用”里的还是做在“营业费用”里的?
- Should be " of " operating expenses. 应该是"营业费用"吧.
- If you are not freight representative company, it is to pursue other trade, so the bill that receives freight company to leave but plan enter overhead expenses or be operating expenses in. 假如你们不是货运代理公司,是从事其它行业,那么收货运公司开的发票就可计入治理费用或是营业费用中。
- Is each friend individual and excuse me industrial and commercial door (dining-room) in the profit list that makes advocate what is the detail that place of business Wu cost, operating expenses, overhead expenses includes each? 请问各位朋友个体工商户(餐厅)所做的利润表中主营业务成本、营业费用、治理费用所包含的明细各是什么呢?
- Of or relating to the operating expenses of a business. (费用等)经常的,管理的属于或关于企业运转经费的
- All major operating expenses should be breakdown by items. 4各主要营运成本项目须分类列出。
- The HKMC continued to exercise tight control over its operating expenses. 按揭证券公司继续严谨控制营运支出。
- Does meniscus injure operation expenses? 半月板损伤手术费用?
- The cash payments to suppliers include the cash payments for purchases and cash payments for operating expenses. 向供应商支付的现金包括购货支付的现金和发生营业费用支付的现金。
- Allowing $ 100,000 for operating expenses and profit it would have to collect $ 850,000. 如果要留出10万美元作为运营费和利润,保险公司就得筹集85万美元。
- How much is the operation expenses that excuse me the tit caves? 请问乳头凹陷的手术费用是多少?
- However, the result is the same cost, plus operating expenses, plus desired profit, equals the services price. 然而结果是相同的:成本加经营费用,加想要的利润,等于劳务的价格。
- Monitors operating expenses to ensure the cost of sale is in line with the annual budget. 控制日常开支以保证收支平衡。
- The return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met. 利润一笔生意中除去所有的运作费用后所得的回报
- The Corporation continues to exercise tight control over its operating expenses. 按揭证券公司继续有效地控制经营支出。
- Public institutions will survive these cutbacks because state monies will continue to underwrite operating expenses. 公立院校将渡过这种削减的困难,因为州财政将同意继续承担办学费用。
- The upshot was that it squandered ¥50 billion in operating expenses such as a pricey and underused IT system. 结果是500亿日元浪费在经营费用上,例如价格高昂而并未充分利用的信息系统设备。
- Hong Bo: Gu Ge's sale and profit still maintain growth, and add fast the growth that outstrips operating expenses. 洪波:谷歌的销售额和利润仍然保持增长,并且增速超过营业费用的增长。
- Support operation expense budget development. 支持费用预算操作的改进。
- Land use rights transfer income after deducting operating expenses land sold all over finances. 土地使用权出让收入扣除土地出让业务费后,全部上交财政。