- Dongfeng hydropower station is open ski spillway. 东风水电站溢洪道为明流滑雪式溢洪道。
- Looking up at the open sky, he suddenly cheered up. 仰望碧天,他的心情豁然开朗。
- Heading for the open sky... where the flames never dared to come... 为了天空而顶起...火焰从未敢到达之地...
- In this paper the basic principle of SKY technique and its application in leukemia cytogenetics were reviewed. 本文综述了光谱核型技术的原理及其在白血病中的应用。
- He was inflicting on him that frightful living death, that death beneath the open sky, which is called the galleys. 他害他受那种惨酷的活死刑,大家叫做苦牢的那种过露天生活的死刑。
- They were being fed by army field kitchens, under the open sky on the flat snowy plain. 他们在平坦的白雪皑皑的平原上,在开阔的天空下等候部队战地厨房发放食物。
- The bomb run ended. The bomb bay doors slid shut. Suddenly we were in the clear open sky. 一连串的轰炸结束了。弹舱门关上了。刹那间我们冲入晴朗的广阔天空。
- He dreams of stone turrets and a burning sunset and soaring through a vast, open sky in pursuit of a red-cloaked figure on broomstick. 他梦到许多的石碓,还有燃烧般的日出,他在一片宽广的天空中搜寻着一个骑在笤帚上的红色斗篷的剪影。
- Counterpoise in open sky, bilateral boat especially the respect such as admittance of taxes of negotiation, derate, market should consider our country airborne company more.. 尤其是在开放天空、双边航权谈判、减免税金、市场准入等方面更要考虑我国空运企业的...
- I see a vast open sky. 我看见那一片天。
- The evolution of the skiing technique, sparked by the Hughes profess made with regards to equipment, did not stop with short turns. 因为这种雪板在转向阶段时能较容易施压,再加上雪板的新外形设计的帮助,能更容易对双腿的雪板平均地施加压力。
- under the open sky:with no roof or shelter 在户外;露天
- OPEN SKI AREAS of the French Alps 法国阿尔卑斯山的滑雪区开放
- Freestyle Skiing is a combination of Skiing techniques and acrobatics. In this type of Skiing alone, there are a lot of Ski Tricks executed by Freestyle enthusiasts. 自由式双板是双板滑雪技术和花式技巧等综合在一起的滑雪技术。这门独特的技术是很多狂热的双板自由式玩家所创造的。
- The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open. 服务员贴出列明已开放的滑雪道的告示。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?
- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打开百叶窗,看看外面的天气如何。