- ood wastes 厨余垃圾
- Don't leave the lights on it wastes electricity. 走时要随手关灯--以免浪费电。
- Ood evening! Wishes you to have a sweet dream! 晚安!祝你做个好梦!
- Tdhank ood Almighty, we are free at rast! 感谢全能的上帝,我们终于自由了!”
- LL: Well, the Love ood was good! But I think... 我爸妈好像挺喜欢你的。这可是个好消息,这就意味著....
- A fox may gw e grey, but never Hot ood. 狐狸会变,但本性难移。
- A ship jettisoning wastes; a pilot jettisoning aircraft fuel. 一艘正在丢弃废物的船; 一个正在抛弃飞机燃料的飞行员
- A man fis notf ood or badnfor one action. 判断人的好坏不能凭一次行为。
- One who wastes, especially one who wastes money; a profligate. 浪费者浪费之人,尤指浪费钱财的人; 败家子
- Please, take a ood look around you. 我想请你们为我做一件事。
- This machine wastes a lot of energy. 这台机器消耗能源很大。
- He always wastes his time doing nothing. 他总是无所事事地虚掷光阴。
- My wife wastes a lot of money on dresses and shoes. 我太太在衣服和鞋子上浪费了很多的钱。
- What can we do with danger ousradioactive wastes? 我们如何处理这些放射性废物?
- No crops will grow on these stony wastes. 这些多石的荒地上任何作物都不能生长。
- Within a few years they had transferred barren wastes into fertile fields. 几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田。
- Exhaust vaporous wastes through a pipe. 通过管道把废蒸汽排空。
- She wastes a lot of money on the non-necessities. 她把许多钱浪费在非必需品上。
- Ood luck, good health, good cheer, have a very happy New Year! 好运,健康,佳肴伴你过一个非常愉快的新年!
- Organic wastes decompose by bacterial action. 有机废物通过细菌活动可以分解。