- With one lap of his tongue the bear finished the honey. 那熊用舌头一舔就把蜜吃光了。
- Run one lap around the floor at top speed. 在大堂出尽全力跑一个圈。
- Also, we maybe have to improve our one lap performance. 同样,我们可能需要改进我们的单圈成绩。
- Black:(shown with white number)driver must stop at pit within one lap and report to the clerk of the course. 黑色:(与白色数字一起显示)车手必须在一圈内进入维修站并且向大会有关人员报告。
- A single completed flight around a closed circuit course. A flight may include more than one lap of a course. 一个完成环绕封闭的环形航道的飞行。飞行可能包括一个以上的航道来回。
- We left Jarno out one lap longer than the others, causing him to fall quite far behind. 其它车队都紧接着进站换回了中性胎,而我们让雅诺多跑了一圈,使得他远远落在了后面。
- "I'm addicted to competing," says Trickett, who'll be the woman to beat in Beijing over one lap in freestyle and over 100m in freestyle and butterfly. 她是北京奥运会女子50米自由泳和100米自由泳和蝶泳的冠军有力争夺者。
- JB: Well, I think that over one lap the car seems to be very quick and so it just depends whether we have (done that) in a race situation. 简森-巴顿:我认为赛车不止在一圈之中非常快,这因此取决于我们在比赛情况下是否做到了。
- I had a problem with Martin (Hudy) on the rostrum he just put his head in front of my view and I had a crash and lost almost one lap. 我简直不能相信会发生这样的事。我的手指一点感觉都没有,我只能更多的用我的手来控制油门,这是使我多次错过入弯的最佳时机。
- The 2009 TireRack One Lap of America challenge saw everything from an Ultima GTR to the winning Nissan GT-R hit tracks all across the U.S. in a modern-day homage to the legendary Cannonball. 2009年TireRack单圈看到美国的挑战,从一个创世纪晶体管的获奖尼桑燃气轮机-R的打击跟踪所有在美国各地的现代致敬传奇炮弹。
- We do more laps now, but in each part there is still only one lap when we have maximum revs, new tyres and the right fuel load. 现在我们完成更多的圈数,但每个阶段我们只能有一圈是采用了最大的引擎转数、新轮胎以及合适的燃油附载。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The One Lap is the spiritual descendant of Brock Yates' Cannonball Sea-to-Shining Sea Memorial Trophy Dash - or, to fans, simply the Cannonball - but with decidedly less illegal activity involved. 在第一圈是精神后裔布鲁克叶慈'炮弹海光辉海洋法纪念杯短跑-或者球迷,只是炮弹-但坚决较少参与非法活动.
- My pace over one lap in qualifying was compromised by the rear wing we wanted to use in the race, but it should have cost only a tenth of a second and to qualify 15th was very disappointing. 就算我要为正赛中使用的尾翼让步,但排位赛第十五的成绩实在太令人失望了。
- The boy took one sip of the wine and spat it out. 那男孩子呷了一小口葡萄酒,但马上又吐了出来。
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那只死鹿的半边身子都被子弹击中。
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一个或少一个对我是无关紧要的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 没人敢对不公正行为表示公开反对。
- One of the fishing boats sank down astern of us. 有一艘渔船在我们后面沉没了。