- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- But he'll take out on someone else. 他会照样对付别人的。
- Why don't you take on someone your own size? 你为何不找一个与你同样身材的人较量?
- Have you ever had a crush on someone? 你是否曾经迷恋过某个人?
- Get up on someone's shoulders and start flashing! 爬到别人的肩膀上开始翻滚!
- Or gripe and complain, make life hard on someone. 也可以满腹牢骚,抱怨不停,让他人不悦。
- So it is very important to choose the optimal method and perform the best therapeutic regimen on the patient s behalf. 因此,如何选择合适的治疗方法、制定最佳治疗方案成为临床工作的重点。
- Otherwise, turn your jealousy on someone else! 要不然,就把你的妒忌心转到别人身上去吧!
- We shouldn't dwell on someone's past. 我们不该总抓住一个人的过去不放。
- If ATTORENYS advance on CLIENT'S behalf any or all of these costs or expenses, CLIENT agrees to reimburse ATTORNEYS for such advancements. 如果代理人替委托人预付了部分或全部上述费用,委托人同意偿还代理人的垫付费用。
- Put a smile on someone's face today. 让人高兴。
- Mr Meinl argues that his bank performed honest work on MEL's behalf, at market rates, and made no attempt to influence MEL's management. 麦尔声称他的银行在代表MEL的工作中按照市场的利率,表现诚实,并没有打算影响MEL的管理层。
- Step on someone's foot and they go berserk! 只不过踩到某人的脚,他们就狂怒了!
- Or gripe and complain,make life hard on someone. 也可以牢骚满腹;抱怨不停;让他人不悦.
- If I am only analyzing in WY’s behalf, I would even argue that he might be “happier” and “luckier” if he died a person totally ignorant of true love. 如果我只是替伟易分析,我甚至认为如果他可以对于真爱丝毫不知,他可以过得更快乐更幸运。
- The black ox has trampled on someone's foot. 某人已临老年
- Otherwise, turn your jealousy on someone else ! 要不然,就把你的妒忌心转到别人身上去吧!
- It takes a minute to have crush on someone. 迷恋上一个人只需要一分钟
- He likes to pick on someone or other. 他爱找寻人。