- Her joy at the birth of a son beggared discription. "她生了一个儿子,那种欣喜的心情是无法形容的。"
- Her joy at the birth of a son beggared dlscription. 她生了一个儿子,那种欣喜的心情是无法形容的。
- The birth of a baby penguin in the zoo was widely reported. 动物园里小企鹅的出生受到了广泛的报道。
- The birth of a baby is truly a bless event. 生个孩子真是喜事。
- Since King Suddhodana had long awaited a child, he and everyone else in the palace rejoiced at the birth of a son. 由于净饭大王期待孩子出生已久,他和宫延里的每一个人都为儿子的出生而感到高兴。
- The birth of a baby is truly a blessed event. 生个孩子真是喜事。
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips are delighted to announce the birth of a son, Alan Phillips, on January 8, 2003. Many thanks to all the staff at the General Maternity Hospital. 在妇产总院全体医务人员的精心照料下,罗伯特·菲力普斯夫妇于2003年1月8日喜得贵子,取名艾伦·菲力普斯。
- The promises which God made to Abraham all depended upon the birth of a son when at the time his wife Sarah was barren and he was old and past being able to produce a child. 当他的妻子撒拉不生育,而且他也很老,过了能够生育的年龄的时候,神对亚伯拉罕的应许却全都依赖于一个儿子的出生。
- There is a mystique about the birth of a new star. 一个新明星的诞生总是显得神秘。
- The couple was ecstatic at the birth of a daughter. 例:这对夫妇因生了个女儿而欣喜若狂。
- compliment a person on the birth of a son 祝贺(某人)生子
- His election signaled the birth of a new age. 他的当选宣告了一个新时代的到来。
- Her joy at the birth of a son beggared dlscription 她生了一个儿子, 那种欣喜的心情是无法形容的。
- They looked upon the birth of a girl with disfavour. 他们当时不喜欢生女孩。
- Omen of the Birth of a son 日月入怀
- The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat. 他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。
- There is a royal proclamation of the birth of the prince. 那有一张王室的公告,宣告王子诞生了。
- This painting depicts the birth of Venus. 这幅画描绘的是维纳斯的诞生。
- Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ. 圣诞节是为了纪念耶酥的诞生。
- A Christian feast commemorating the birth of Jesus. 圣诞节纪念耶稣诞生的基督教节日