- Jacob oiled the wheels of his toy car. 雅各为他的玩具车轮添油。
- The gravel crunched under the wheels of the car. 碎石在车轮下沙沙作响。
- I could crush it under the wheels of the car. 我可以用车轮压碎它。
- I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it. 谢谢神,我不是一个权力的轮子,而是被压在这轮子下的活人之一。
- The wheel of the car has come off. 汽车车轮掉了。
- We can't the wheel of the history . 我们不可能阻挡历史的车轮前进。
- A five-foot tether reaches round both wheels of the bike. 一根五英尺长的索链将自行车的两只轮子扣住了。
- Her hands clasped the wheel of the sports car. 她的手紧紧抓住那辆跑车的轮子。
- Courtesy is the lubricant which oils the wheels of business. 礼貌是商务巨轮的润滑油。
- The wheels of the truck were chocked by the driver. 司机将卡车的车轮用楔子垫好。
- The wheels of the car were spinning. 小汽车的轮子飞速旋转。
- The wheels of the car began to turn. 汽车的轮子开始转动起来。
- The wheels of the toy car were fixed on metal rods. 玩具车的轮子固定在金属棒上。
- It revolutionised the transport of goods by abolishing the traditional (and back-breaking) system of “break bulk” loading, and thus helped oil the wheels of globalisation. 集装箱的出现改变了传统的“散装”载货的方式,令运输方式发生革命性转变,间接加速了全球化进程。
- The front right corner of the bumper wedged in to the bike somewhere in the pedal area, between the wheels. 保险杠右前角已经从脚蹬子那,从两轮中间楔进自行车。
- The machinist is aligning the wheels of the car. 这个机械工正在调整车轮。
- The front right corner of the bumper wedged into the bike somewhere in the pedal area, between the wheels. 保险杠右前角已经从脚蹬子那,从两轮中间楔进自行车。
- He fell under the wheels of an automobile. 一辆汽车从他身上碾过。
- But time glides on and still no sound of the wheels of thy chariot. 但是时间流过了,还听不见你的车辇的轮声。
- If you take his secretary out to lunch, that usually help to oil the wheel. 要是你请他秘书吃饭,事情通常就会顺利。