- oil tank storage 油罐储油量
- The oil drawn off from the oil tank is gasoline. 从油箱抽出的油是汽油。
- Please taken the engine oil tank filler caps. 请检发动机滑油加油口盖盖紧。
- She made a fire near the oil tank or something. 她在油箱附近燃起了一堆火,或做出别的蠢事。
- The oil tank slowly emptied out. 油箱里的油慢慢地流光了。
- Is that oil tank opposite to this bulkhead? 请问这道舱壁的对面是油舱吗?
- Seismic sensitivity analysis of stand cylindrical oil tank. 立式圆柱形储油罐地震敏度分析。
- As antirust paint for water ballast tank and crude oil tank. 主要用于压载舱、原油舱等部位的防腐漆。
- One is a VLCC oil tank and the other is bulk carrier. 在计算船体梁的可靠性时考虑了腐蚀的影响,将腐蚀率作为一个随机变量来考虑。
- The oil tank will rust unless you slap on a couple of coats of red lead. 如果不涂上两三道铅丹,那油罐就会生锈的。
- The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling. 在进行拆卸期间,应把最接近的美孚油缸放空。
- For safety's sake, it's preferable for your men to take off the oil tank lids. 为了安全,还是由你们的人来开油舱盖好。
- They should've withdrawn after blown the oil tanks. 他们不能撤到要爆炸的油战车后面的。
- Smoking was rolling up rom.the burring oil tanks. 浓烟正从那口燃烧中的油罐升起。
- Smoking was rolling up rom the burring oil tanks. 浓烟正从那口燃烧中的油罐升起。
- HSE management of cleaning oil tanks. 燃料油罐清淤施工中的HSE管理
- Consequence is very serious if the oil tank is hit by the lightening. 油罐遭雷击引爆产生的后果特别严重。
- The two oil tanks communicate with each other. 这两个油罐是相通的。
- The biggest ships afloat now are oil tanks. 眼下在水上航行的最大船舶是油轮。