- Our country abounds in oil deposits. 我国有丰富的石油储藏。
- Associated gas: Gas deposit capping an oil deposit. 伴生天然气:油田上面的天然气储层
- The ocean floor near the continents is abundant in mineral and oil deposits. 靠近大陆的海底矿藏和石油藏量丰富。
- China is rich in iron ore, bauxite, zinc, nickel, coal and crude oil deposits. 中国拥有丰富的铁矿石、铝土矿、锌、镍、煤炭和原油储量。
- In the long run there should be no oil deposit shortage in the world. 从长远的观点来看,世界将不会有石油贮存补缺的现象。
- In the long run there should be no oil deposit shortage in the world. 从长远的观点来看,世界将不会有石油贮存补缺的现象。
- Spent oil deposition processing and marketing. 废机油沉淀加工、销售。
- These oil deposits will be worth exploitingon condition that they are extensive enough. 这些油田如果分布足够广就值得开采。
- The exhaustion of the oil deposits adds to the disadvantage of our economic development. 石油储藏的枯竭对我们的经济发展更为不利。
- Exploitation of oil deposits (fields) with low osmosis: In cooperation with Chinese partner only. 低渗透油气藏(田)的开发:限于合作。
- Set on the Bohai Bay, Tianjin has large offshore oil deposits and is China's major salt-extracting city. 坐落于渤海湾,天津有大量存款和近海石油是我国的主要盐提取的城市。
- Even taking into account possible new discoveries of oil deposits,there may be little or no oil left by the end of this century. 即使把可能发现的新油田考虑进去,到本世纪末石油也可能全部用尽或所剩无几。
- Some scientists estimate that at the present rate of use,the world's known oil deposits could ran out in from 10 to 15 years. 一些科学家估计,以现在的速度使用石油,全世界已探明的石油储量可能在10至15年内消耗尽。
- The initial gushing of oil out of a drill pipe is caused by the pressure of the gas trapped and compressed immediately above the oil deposits. 最初石油喷出钻管,是由于受到紧压在石油层上的被密封的气体的压力。
- Without sunlight there would be no forests, either now or in the past, and consequently no coal and oil deposits on the surface of the earth. 不管是现在还是过去,没有阳光,就不会有森林,因而在地面上也就不会有煤和石油矿藏。
- Even taking into account possible new discoveries of oil deposits, there may be little or no oil left by the end of next century. 即使把可能发现的新油田考虑进去,到下世纪末石油也可能全部用尽或所剩无几。
- Even taking into account possible new discoveries of oil deposits, there may be little or no oil left by the end of this century. 即使把可能发现的新油田考虑进去,到本世纪末石油也可能全部用尽或所剩无几。
- Some scientists estimate that at the present rate of use, the world's known oil deposits could run out in 10 to 15 years. 一些科学家估计,照现在的使用进度,世界上已知石油储藏量在10到15年内就会用完。
- It centres on China's development of undersea natural gas and oil deposits straddling what Japan says is the borderline between the two countries' exclusive economic zones. 问题集中于中国对海底石油和天然气的开发,而日本宣称这些石油和天然气埋藏在横跨两国专属经济区的分界线上。
- Its clash is with Canada, and concerns St Pierre &Miquelon, a group of tiny islands little more than 25km from Newfoundland that front onto a shelf blessed with oil deposits. 跟法国产生矛盾的是加拿大,争议在于圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛。它由一群面积狭小的岛屿组成,距离纽芬兰不超过25公里,却位于一块探明有石油储藏的大陆架上。