- Also keep your client's outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them. 另外,你最好将客户列出的要点和一些类似的合同范本也放在眼前,以便在书写过程中随时查对。
- Jot these down on a pad as you write;they are easily forgotten.Also keep your client's outline and other forms in front of you as you write, and check off items as you write them. 在书写合同的同时,你可能随时会想到一些需要添加条款、措词和问题,要尽快记在便笺簿上,因为他们太容易忘了。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- The misuses of “Dunhao”( “、”) (a Chinese slight-pause mark used to set off items in a series) in medical literature are analyzed, and some correcting suggestions are provided. 对医学文献中的顿号误用实例进行辨析,并提出修改意见。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行车,一头号栽到地上。
- The singer led off with a popular ballad. 歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- He neatly fended off a jab at his chest. 他利落地挡开了当胸的一击。
- The bubonic plague swept off most of the villagers. 那场淋巴腺鼠疫夺去了大部分村民的生命。
- He drank off the flagon of wine amid their cheers. 在他们的喝彩声中他喝了一大瓶酒。
- The parvenu invited guests but they all hung off. 这个暴发户邀请了客人,但是他们都不愿意去。
- It's a bad habit for a boy to toss off. 对一个男孩来说,手淫是个坏习惯。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使劲擦这个污迹,看能不能将它去掉。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- The ship kept the buoy on her off side. 这条船在浮标的左边。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 这一次老师放过他,只给了一个警告。