- Enter his gate, immediately " hear " went to " of primitive simplicity " odour. 进入他的家门,马上就“闻”到了一股“古朴”的气味。
- Numerous archaized buildings shape up a spectacle of primitive simplicity and religious aura. 众多仿古建筑阁殿错落有致地分布于山体周围,使景区气势恢宏、壮观古朴、气韵万千。
- These brunet furniture showed dignified and dignified of showily nature, of primitive simplicity, easy characteristic. 这些深色家具显示了华贵自然、古朴凝重、端庄大方的特点。
- Grow southernly decorate small yard, of primitive simplicity is dignified, expert naturally. 南方地栽布置小庭院,古朴端庄,自然大方。
- If put the decorations that on a few canes make up indoors again, of primitive simplicity, elegance subsequently and come. 假如再在室内放上几件藤编的饰物,古朴、典雅随之而来。
- Kitchen of traditional pattern kitchen should build the atmosphere of traditional of primitive simplicity, the key is in lineal and decorous fittings. 传统式厨房厨房要营造传统古朴的气氛,要害在正统而高雅的配件。
- The droplight appearance of primitive simplicity with marble qualitative material, gift lamplight of a kind of massiness quiet. 云石材质的吊灯外形古朴,赋予灯光一种厚重的安宁。
- Paint line carve elegance, fine workmanship, of of primitive simplicity style vivid image lifelike lifelike, grave, pictures, special Chinese art. 漆线雕做工精细雅致,形象逼真生动,风格古朴庄重,画面栩栩如生,堪称艺苑奇葩,中国一绝。
- Texture button for intensive, seal carvings, "cut" groups work meticulously, clever, art of using saber of of primitive simplicity, originality. 质地坚密,印钮为巧雕“二龙戏珠”,琢工细致,构思巧妙,刀法古朴,独具匠心。
- The furniture of palm red is revealed savour, the grain belt of of primitive simplicity gave historical sense, increased culture lasting appeal. 棕红色的家具彰显品味,古朴的纹路带出了历史感,增添了文化韵味。
- Dark the carpet of yellow, green, the cany chair of of primitive simplicity and natural and ecru terrine, let whole balcony become ancient sweet patina. 暗黄、绿色的地毯,古朴的藤椅以及天然本色的陶罐,让整个阳台变得古香古色。
- The lavabo of of primitive simplicity, massiness is made after the conventional technology that make a surname is transformed, let a person experience pastoral romance and nature. 传统的制陶工艺改造后制成古朴、厚重的洗手盆,让人感受到田园生活的浪漫与自然。
- Its inner packing is a pottery artwork which is of primitive simplicity, life likeliness, accompanied with dishware and spoon, being a good choice for gifting. 内包装为荣昌土陶工艺品,造型古朴、生动, 再配以精致碟,匙,整套礼品美观实用,实为馈赠之佳品。
- Cany bamboo kind tea table shows naturalistic inclination, the style is quiet of primitive simplicity, suit ligneous sofa or the sofa with qualitative cane. 藤竹类茶几显示出自然主义的倾向,风格沉静古朴,适合木质的沙发或者藤质的沙发。
- They are vogue, of primitive simplicity, artistic be in harmony an organic whole, had both at the same time the bright beauty colour of verve of Oriental plain and neat and west. 它们将时尚、古朴、风雅融为一体,同时兼备了东方的素净神韵和西方的明艳色彩。
- Regular texture, coping styles of of primitive simplicity, relief geometry, a lap top, with BianKuan seal were reported. ""be engraved Zhuan law rules, carved neat fluent. 质地规整,顶部浮雕几何纹,式样古朴,近顶部有一圈回文,印文与边款均刻“与人为善”。篆法规矩,刻工规整流畅。
- The furniture of of primitive simplicity, elegant modelling, a meditate on the past mixes domestic outfit bound advocate of antediluvian Gu Yun " do old " wind is in popular. 古朴的家具、典雅的造型,家装界一股怀古和崇尚古风古韵的“做旧”风正在流行。
- Han type tableware is given priority to with the crockery of of primitive simplicity, color of the with simple look white on color, black, blackish green, brown give priority to. 韩式餐具以古朴的陶器为主,颜色上以纯色的白色、黑色、墨绿色、棕色为主。
- Unusually capacious hall, meet the eye on every side is bright, besmearing the amorous feelings of gorgeous of primitive simplicity is drawn on the wall. 异常宽敞的大厅,满目鲜亮,墙上涂着艳丽古朴的风情画。
- Mei Tong came back to take two from the United States horological. Half person is tall horological setting Phnom Penh, depression of of primitive simplicity does not live costly. 梅彤从美国回来带了两件钟表。半人高的钟表镶着金边,古朴压抑不住奢华。