- Elaborated in the cadastration the boundary point, the object point concrete measuring technique and the office work processing general process. 阐述了地籍测量中界址点、地物点的具体测量方法和内业处理的一般过程。
- To inquire after the meaning or object of one's own existence or that of all creatures has always seemed to me absurd from an objective point of view. 探求个人或一切生物生存的意义或目的,客观地讲,我一直都认为是荒谬的。
- Lens equation of zxis-beyond object point was derived by using Fermat's principle, the process of derivation indicates clearly that near axial conditions are necessary and sufficient conditions of ideal image formation. 用费马原理推导了透镜对轴外物点的物像公式;推导过程清楚表明近轴条件是理想成像的充分必要条件.
- Copies the value type object pointed to by an address to the top of the evaluation stack. 将地址指向的值类型对象复制到计算堆栈的顶部。
- Starting with the PDO, each device object points to the object immediately above it. 以PDO开始,每个设备对象指向紧接其上的对象。
- He went out into the streets and tramped north, along Seventh Avenue, idly fixing upon the Harlem River as an objective point. 他出门来到街上,沿着第七大道朝北走去,随意选定了哈莱姆河作为目的地。
- In response to this call, the I/O Manager creates an actual symbolic link object pointing to the PDO for your device. 在响应这个的调用中,I/O管理器为你的设备创建一个指向POD的实际的动态链接对象。
- They walked on as if bound for some objective point, while Hurstwood drank in the radiance of her presence. 他们一起往前走,好像要到什么地方去似的。 赫斯渥走在她的身旁,陶醉在她的光采夺目的美色中。
- Objects point to their class descriptions which, for the most part, contain pointers to dynamically linked methods. 对象指向它们的类描述,后者大多包括了指向动态连接方法的指针。
- In the body of GetScriptReferences, notice that I am creating and returning a ScriptReference object pointing to a. Js file. 在GetScriptReferences的主体中;需要注意的是我要创建并返回一个指向.;js文件的ScriptReference对象。
- His narrative point of view is from omniscient point of view to objective point of view. 在叙事视角的选择上出现了一条由全知、限制叙事视角逐渐向纯客观叙事视角演化的轨迹。
- This person can keep the team focused, provide an objective point of view, and give advice on the best methods to keep the team moving forward. 有助于早期计划的推动,促进师可以维持品管圈专注致力于圈目标,给予圈建议以最佳方式推动
- By referring to productivity calculation of object points by Boehm et al, a reference table of development size and Total Bridge productivity is proposed. 在Boehm等人提出的对象点的生产率数据基础上,作者利用本文实例的测量结果建立起一个开发规模和全桥路的生产率参考表。
- That is, we should try to find out the rules of IEL and the regular pattern of the law-making process of IEL with an objective point of view. 在第二章“国际经济法的渊源”中,笔者确认了三种属于国际经济法渊源的法律形式,即“国际经济条约”、“习惯国际经济法”以及“具有立法权的国际组织或国际组织机构制定或通过的规范性法律文件”。
- But today when we review it from a more objective point of view,we recognize the inevitability and necessity of its existence and further development. 但是今天当我们以一种客观的态度去重新审视这种教学法的时候,却不难发现它完全具有存在与发展的必然性与必要性。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- From an objective point of view is accidental, from a subjective point of view is inevitable. The two sides have a responsibility, not excuses. 从客观的角度来说是偶然的,从主观的角度来说是必然。双方都有责任,不能推搪。
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。