- numeric constraint processing 数值约束处理
- Based on the theory of fuzzy constraint processing, the fuzzy model can be viewed as a generalized Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model with fuzzy functional consequences. 本论文系藉由模糊限制处理为基础,提出一种新的模糊塑模架构,我们称之为限制式模糊塑模。
- A.C. Thornton and A.L. Johnson, 1996, “CADET:A Software Support Tool for Constraint Processes in Embodiment Design”, Research in Engineering Design, VOl.8, NO.1, pp.1-13. 张明仁,2004,“汽车钣金冲压模具实体设计系统之研究以引伸模具为例”高雄第一科技大学机械与自动化工程研究所,硕士论文。
- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厌倦了军事生活的约束
- Not in confinement or under constraint; free. 自由不受约束的或不受限制的; 自由的
- My company can do processing with import material. 本公司可以做进料加工业务。
- She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。
- Timetable problem with large scale and numerous constraints is a NP-hard problem which many researchers in the operational research and computer fields have been dedicated to resolve but have not found a best solution. 摘要排课问题实际上是时间表优化的问题,由于其超大的求解规模和众多的约束条件,是运筹学领域和计算机领域一直致力寻求解决但没有得到解决的np难解问题。
- A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature. 包含嵌套功能和宏功能的一种符号串处理语言。
- This procedure will sort numeric and string data. 这个程序将排序数字和串数据。
- Constraint processing 约束求解
- At length these moments of constraint were removed. 这种尴尬的局面终于过去了。
- Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world. 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛名。
- He felt constraint in her presence. 他在她面前显得局促不安。
- The numeric identifier of this menu command. 此菜单命令的数字标识符。
- The boy felt constraint in her presence. 那男孩在她面前感到局促不安。
- Displays numeric values in currency format. 以货币格式显示数值。
- Displays numeric values in fixed format. 以固定格式显示数值。
- Certificate path length constraint is invalid. 证书路径长度约束无效。
- Displays numeric values in general format. 以常规格式显示数值。