- Division of Nuclear Materials Safeguards 核材料安全部
- Advisory Committee on Nuclear Materials Safeguards 核材料保护咨询委员会
- All exports of nuclear materials and equipment will be subject to IAEA safeguard. 中国出口的核材料和核设备均提交国际原子能机构保障监督。
- This study could be applied to the fissile material safeguard, such as nuclear monitoring and verifying. 这一研究对有关核材料的监控、核查等安全保障技术有重要的应用价值。
- It is also actively involved in strengthening measures to prevent the theft of nuclear materials. 原子能机构还积极参与加强防止盗窃核材料的措施。
- But she warned furture threats would include chemical and even nuclear materials. 她警告说,未来的威胁可能会包括化学武器甚至核武器材料。
- The United States says the reactor threatened to spread dangerous nuclear materials possibly used to make bombs. 美国政府说这个核反应堆有会传播核武器的危险的原料可能会引起爆炸。
- North Korea also informed the IAEA's monitoring staff, they plan a week into the built-in nuclear materials. 朝鲜也通知原子能机构的监控人员,他们计划在一周内置入核材料。
- Y. said participation in PSI will help control North Korea's development of dangerous nuclear materials. Y.;称加入PSI将帮助控制北朝鲜危险的核试验的发展。
- Whoever illegally trades in or transports nuclear materials shall be punished according to the provisions of the preceding paragraph. 非法买卖、运输核材料的,依照前款的规定处罚。
- Savannah River Site serves the nation through safe, secure, cost-effective management of our nuclear weapons stockpile, nuclear materials, and the environment. 描述:热带草原河流站点主要负责核武器、核燃料的安全贮存,以及环境与核废物的管理。
- And it further analysis that take CPA's surplus wealth as the mortgage is the powerful material safeguard mechanism to realize the effective punishment. 并进一步分析了以注册会计师的私人财富为抵押,是实现有效惩罚强有力的物质保障机制。
- Whoever illegally trades or transports nuclear materials is to be punished according to stipulations in the preceding paragraph. 非法买卖、运输核材料的,依照前款的规定处罚。
- "The greatest threat to our homeland security is the tons of biological, chemical, and even nuclear materials that are unaccounted for or unguarded. 佩洛西众议员说:“我们的国土安全面临的最大威胁是那些至今没有清点或保护的成吨的生物、化学跟核材料。
- The third and final phase of the agreement calls for Pyongyang to permanently dismantle all its nuclear facilities and hand over all nuclear materials. 有关协议的第三阶段、也是最后阶段要求平壤永久性地废弃本国所有的核设施,并交出一切核材料。
- Negotiations on steps to disarm nuclear North Korea were halted while Pyongyang prepared a declaration of its nuclear materials. 关于拆除北韩核武装的步骤的谈判曾在北韩准备提交一份本国核材料清单时陷于停顿。
- The basic information about equipment safeguard informatization includes: equipment safeguard management, technology safeguard equipment, equipment safeguard command, and equipment material safeguard. 装备保障信息化基本内容包括:装备保障管理、技术保障装备、装备保障指挥、装备物资保障。
- And with more and more nuclear material being processed and reprocessed? 而且,随着越来越多的核原料经过加工和再加工??
- At the International Atomic Energy Agency, my colleagues and I work to keep nuclear materials out of the reach of extremist groups. 在国际原子能机构,我的同事和我的任务就是让核材料远离极端主义组织。
- But the study ordered by the White House about whether the two countries might expand their business relationship to nuclear materials ended inconclusively. 但由白宫指定的关于二个国家可能扩展他们对核材料商业关系的研究被非决定性地终止。