- notable的词义亦为“受到大家注意的” Dickens is noted for long sentences.
- striking machine(制革用) 扩展机
- 比如当做某件事情失败了的时候,美国人承认自己“striking out”。 For example, Americans may admit to @striking out@ when failing at something.
- 该系统利用知识熔接技术、数据库技术、UDF(User Defined Feature)技术和知识向导界面设计技术,实现了管道支吊架的快速变形设计和支吊架参数与管道参数同步更新。 In this system, a wizard UI based on knowledge fusion, database and UDF technology is used in the tool, which make hanger design more quickly and parameters updating along with the piping.
- 论文使用特征逻辑作为描述版本集的基础,通过(feature:value)对的属性组成的布尔表达式来表示公共或独立的版本性质,并对版本集进行交、并、补等操作以表达和概括SCM的基本活动。 Feature logic is used for the base of describing version set in this paper, the Boolean expression that composed of (feature: value) versus is used for expressing common or independent version character, and operations such as intersection, union, andcomplement are executed on version sets in order to express and generalize the basic activity of SCM.