- It is not nearly so pretty as it was before. 远不及以前漂亮。
- It's not nearly so important as you think. 这远不如你所想的那么重要。
- It is not nearly so easy as you think. 远远不是你所想的那么容易。
- It's not nearly so difficult as you think. 这远不像你想像的那样难。
- It's not nearly so easy as you think. 这远不是你们所想的那么容易。
- It's not nearly so serious as you think. 它远非你想的那样严重。
- He is not nearly so much interested as I thought. 他几乎不像我想的那样有兴趣。
- It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers. 白领工人不像劳动工人那样有良好的组织,那样良好的联合,这是众所周知的事。
- The rub was not nearly so much in his own home, as it was in the Butler family. 他自己家里的困难,远不如巴特勒家里的多。
- As you get further beyond the breakers, the swells are not nearly so large, so swimming becomes much easier. 随着你离碎浪越远,涌浪就不会那么大了,游起来就容易多了。
- C. Young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete, certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply. 现在的科学知识似乎都不像许多教科书所叙述的那样完善、那样肯定、那样一成不变,对于这种情况,年轻科学家意识到得越快越好。
- Gillenormand would not permit any one to explain to him, that for the preparation of lint batiste is not nearly so good as coarse linen, nor new linen as old linen. 吉诺曼先生不允许别人向他解释用粗布裹伤比麻纱好,旧布比新布好。
- Mr. Wang, the monk, was not nearly so optimistic. “It will take a lifetime,” he said. 作为僧侣的王先生却不是那么乐观.;他说:"那将会需要一生的时间
- When one comes to more tractable land at lower altitudes, problems of permanent pasture improvement are not nearly so difficult. 在海拔较低的易于耕作的土地上,改进永久草场的问题并不很困难。
- not nearly so as conj. 远不及
- She tread lightly so as not to wake the baby. 她步子很轻,以免惊醒孩子。
- Young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete ,certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply. 年轻的科学家应该尽快意识到现有的科学知识远远没不像教科书上暗示的那样完美、正确和不可改变。
- You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。
- I will say nothing to him so as not to grieve him. 我将不对他说什么,以免使他说伤心[难受]。
- We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby. 为了不吵醒婴儿,我们蹑手蹑脚地上了楼梯。