- The king did not lift a hand where his people were hungry. 老百姓挨饿时,国王却啥也不管。
- He did not lift a hand to help me. 他不出力帮助我。
- The king does not lift a hand when his people are hungry. 老百姓挨饿时,国王却啥也不管。
- We all worked hard,but Jim did not lift a finger. 我们都努力地干,可吉姆一点都不帮忙。
- We all worked hard , but Jim did not lift a finger. 我们都努力地干,可吉姆一点都不帮忙。
- One finger cannot lift a small stone. 众人拾柴火焰高
- NO1. One finger cannot lift a small stone. 第1页。一个手指不能解除小石头。
- Glen will never lift a hand to help you. 永远不会伸出手来帮助你的。
- The king did not lift a finger when his people were hungry . 当他的百姓挨饿时,那位国王一点也不管。
- The king did not lift a finger when his people were hungry. 当他的百姓挨饿时,那位国王一点也不管。
- We all worked hard , but Jim did not lift a finger . 我们都努力地干,可吉姆一点都不帮忙。
- He moved feebly, trying to lift a hand to probe his wound. 他虚弱地动了动,试图举起一只手查看一下伤口。
- do not lift a hand 不努力,不动手试一下,懒
- He kept aloof and did not give us a hand. 他站得远远地,没有来帮助我们。
- not lift a hand v. 不动手;不帮忙
- He is very popular and no one has ever lifted a hand against him. 他很得人心,从来没有人伤害过他。
- Even though he knew some of the tenants were suffering greatly,the landlord was so hard that he did not lift a finger to help them. 即使房主知道有些房客生活很困难,他还是非常冷漠,不尽一点举手之劳去帮他们一把。
- He tried to speak, lifted a hand, and let it drop like a dead duck. 他想说点什么,举起一只手,却又把它象只死鸭子似地垂下来。
- At first sight this means that things are about to get even cushier for native English speakers; they need not lift a finger to learn other people's subjunctives. 乍一看,这似乎意味着以英语为母语的人日子更好过了,因为他们不再需要费力去学习别人的语言。
- Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, and you will wear out your eyes watching for them day after day, powerless to lift a hand. 你的儿女必归与别国的民;你的眼目终日切望,甚至失明,你手中无力拯救。