- Notes receivable, IOUs, postdate checks, and uncollected customers' check--returned by the bank stamped "NSF"(not sufficient funds)-- are not included in the accountants' definition of cash. 应收票据、欠条、远期支票以及银行盖上"存款不足"的戳记后退回的未能收讫的顾客支票,不能包括在会计上所称的现金定义中。
- Notes receivable , IOUs, postdate checks, and uncollected customers' check--returned by the bank stamped "NSF"(not sufficient funds)-- are not included in the accountants' definition of cash. 应收票据、欠条、远期支票以及银行盖上"存款不足"的戳记后退回的未能收讫的顾客支票,不能包括在会计上所称的现金定义中。
- NSF check no sufficient fund check 存款不足支票
- Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养活家人。
- n/s; n.s.f.( not sufficient fund); i/f( insufficient fund) 存款不足
- One should get sufficient funds for studying. 人们应当为学习筹备足够的资金。
- The pension is not sufficient for living expenses. 该退休金不够应付生活费。
- We have sufficient funds for this trip. 我们这次的旅行资金充足。
- To know the main facts is not sufficient. 光了解主要事实是不够的。
- Your request for a visa extension has been turned down because you do not have sufficient funds. 因为您的资金不足,你想延长签证的要求已被驳回。
- Even this epochal discovery was not sufficient. 甚至这个划时代的发现也不是充分的。
- You can withdraw money by visiting another agent, who checks that you have sufficient funds before debiting your account and handing over the cash. 当遇到下一个代理商时,可以将自己的钱取出,在取钱之前代理商会检查你的账户以确保有足够的现金。
- The rain was not sufficient to do any harm. 雨量不足对庄稼有害。
- However, this is not sufficient. 然而,这并不足够。
- Even this epochal discovery was not sufficient . 甚至这个划时代的发现也不是充分的。
- If your bank returns your check without paying it, you may be charged a "no sufficient funds" fee. 如果银行返还给你没有兑现的支票,你可能就要支付“存款不足”的费用。
- Customer Service: Sorry, no sufficient funds at this time. 对不起,没有足够余额支付支票。
- We are trying to raise sufficient funds to start our own business. 我们在试图提高足够的资金来开始我们的生意。
- Finally, the market liquidity of sufficient funds noodle. 最后,市场资金面流动性充足。
- My income is not sufficiently great to support us. 我的收入不足以供养我们。