- nonlinear flow curve shapes 非线性渗流形态
- Curve shape - is used to define the falloff of the BRDF curve. 曲线弧度-通常被用作定义BRDF的效应消散范围。
- Flow curve tending to straight line.excellent regulation performance. 流量特性趋于直线,调节性能好。
- Flow curve tending to straight line. Excellent regulation performance. 流量特性趋近于直线,调节性能好。
- Flow curve tending to stright line. Excellent regulation performance. 流量特性趋于直线,调节性能好。
- A curved shape, outline, or pattern. 波纹波纹形状、外廓或形式
- To assume a spiral or curved shape. 呈现盘旋状,呈现螺旋状
- Flowing freely curve shape,delineate the sport and the metre that calmness art possess singly. 流畅的曲线造型;勾勒出动与静之间艺术独有的韵律.
- Due to the outstanding shear rate control of the MCR series it is possible to measure a full flow curve with just one revolution of the excentrically rotating sphere. 由于MCR系列精湛的剪切应力控制,只需一个非同心的旋转球体即可测量一个完整的曲线。
- Meanwhile, the paper descriped water flow curve of light chernozem soil under different rolling condition by the method of dairy following measure. 并采取逐日跟踪监测的方法,描绘了不同镇压条件下种床土壤水分变动曲线。
- Well logging curve shape identification is needed in study of logging sedimentology and logging sequence stratigraphy. 为了进行测井沉积学和测井层序地层学的研究,需要对测井曲线形态进行识别。
- Crankshaft bearing life, volumetric efficiency, and inlet flow curve are three performance characteristics of practical significance in many if not most pump applications. 在绝大多数的运行实例中,曲轴的轴承的寿命,容积效率,进水曲线是具有实际意义的三大性能参数。
- Ergonomic design, fit to the curved shape on human back. 人体工学设计,符合人体背部曲线。
- Lesion morphous included: "V" shape (8/17), crescent shape (6/17) and irregular curve shape (3/17). 脱落的形态多呈"v"字形(8/17)和月牙形(6/17),其次不规则弧形(3/17);
- Some showing curve shape, some not to have hammer needle without nailhead, some. 有的呈弯曲状、有的无钉头、有的无钉尖。
- To demonstrate the stability of the magenta layer when the curve shape stabilizing addendum is added, tests on incubation are compared to fresh coatings. 为了证明品层的稳定性,加一种对曲线形状有稳定作用的化合物使老化实验与新鲜涂层进行比较。
- Its curved shape responds gracefully to the curved expressway entrance ramp. 它具有弧度的外形也与机场高速路入口弯道很雅致地相互呼应。
- When accumulative flow method was used to model water quality or dynamics of river with dams,field velocity data should be available to calculate accumulated flow curve of various cross sections. 在用累积流量法模拟计算水库型河流水动力水质时,应当用实际测流结果来绘制各计算断面累积流量曲线。
- Nonlinear Flow of Gas at Low Velocity in Porous Media 多孔介质中低速气体的非线性渗流
- Suitable for curved shaping of vamp leather of kinds of boots. 适用于各种靴类鞋、皮鞋的鞋面皮及革伸展曲线定型,可另配套蒸湿机构。