- These transmissions do not carry data in the traditional sense. 这种传输讯号并不以传统的方式携带资料。
- Their developments are tightly combined with material, control and microelectronics technologies and based on the existing non traditional machi... 分析总结了特种加工技术的构成、研究现状和发展趋势,构筑了面向快速制造的特种加工技术体系和技术途径。
- Norway has few castles in the traditional sense, though there are many fine manor houses. 挪威传统意义上的城堡为数不多,但是却有许多精美的庄园。
- Professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality;high - minded. 尽责的,孝敬的带有或表现出严格的传统道德思想的;心性高的
- China's agriculture has a large scale in the traditional sense, but it is by no means modern or strong. 中国是一个传统的农业大国,但远不是一个现代化的农业强国。
- Professing or exhibiting a strict, traditional sense of virtue and morality; high-minded. 尽责的,孝敬的带有或表现出严格的传统道德思想的; 心性高的
- Asynchronous training - This is e-learning in the more traditional sense of the word. 异步学习-这是较接近电子学习本意的学习方式。
- The Cherry Orchard written by Chekhov is a comedy,but not a comedy of traditional sense. 契诃夫的《樱桃园》是一部喜剧,但不是一出传统意义的喜剧。
- All these lead to a conclusion that LI Bai is not a thinker in traditional sense. 所以 ,李白不是传统意义上的思想者。
- The separation of space in the hand of GEO designers means no longer a besieged armored concrete in traditional sense. 空间的间隔在GEO设计师手中已不再受传统的钢筋混凝土的禁固。
- Yet Erdrich s work, as I hope to show, is indeed political, although not in the traditional sense. 本论文拟就此观点提出不同的看法,并进一步证明鄂萃曲的作品,虽没有直接提出政治上的批判,但确有政治或社会控诉的暗喻。
- "Universal grammar" theory is the core of Chomsky grammar theories, and it is a challenge to the traditional sense. “普遍语法”是乔姆斯基语法理论的核心,是对传统观念的一种挑战。
- Say on traditional sense, gu Ge already establish cloud calculative is banner position. 传统意义上说,谷歌已经确立了云计算的领先地位。
- Now Stoudemire has never struck me as a leader in the rah-rah, traditional sense. 我认为现在的小斯从传统意义上来讲从来未能成为一个能让我震惊的球队领袖。
- The traditional sense of the“identity”was only considering the reference or the result, and is extensional. 传统意义上的“同一”只考虑其意谓或结果,是外延性的。
- For this reason, says Constable, it is not a touring show in the traditional sense, where the actors travel light and make do with the facilities at each venue they visit. 因此,康斯特布尔说,这次并不像传统意义的巡回演出那样,演员可以轻装上阵,每到一个演出地点,有现成的设施就凑合着用。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- Although some people don't think DINK family is a real family in the traditional sense, yet it is booming in some cities. 尽管有的人认为从传统意义上来说丁克家庭并非是真正的家庭,但是在一些城市中其数量却在不断增多。
- Product A combination of CPU core, ASSP and surrounding development board. Often the early stages of a product in the more traditional sense. 由CPU核心,ASSP和周边开发板组成的混合体,通常在传统意义上指产品的早期阶段。
- The scope of the Treaty will be confined to the protection of broadcasting and cablecasting organizations in the traditional sense. 条约的范围将仅限于保护传统意义上的广播和有线广播组织。