- no brand cigarette n. 含有大麻的香烟(毒品相关用语)
- Yet firms like Mr Zhang's are inscrutable and transient, with no brand or reputation to speak of. 由于没有自己的品牌和形象,像张这种公司注定无法长远的发展。
- Now test it:No brand reaches the market without hearing from potential consumers. 你还得检验一下,假如不听取潜在消费者的意见,不管什么品牌都无法进入市场。
- Above 90% of clothing business enterprises in Shaoguan are medium or small scaled private enterprises.In general, they have no brand of their own. 韶关90%25以上的服装企业属中小型私营企业,一般没有自有品牌,但现在的市场是一个买方市场,没有自有品牌在竞争中必将处于劣势。
- The contents of polyhydric alcohol in 17 brand cigarettes were determined. 对17个品牌的国内外卷烟中多羟基醇类物质的含量进行了定量分析。
- Lenovo and Haier are not brands at all and so far China has no brands in any real sense! 联想和海尔不是品牌,迄今为止中国还没有真正的品牌!
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- No horse has a speed comparable to that of his. 没有一匹马的速度能比得上他的马。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- No cigarette is completely harmless. 没有香烟是完全无害的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 没人敢对不公正行为表示公开反对。
- I'm so busy that I have no time for a cigarette. 工作太忙了,连抽支烟的空当都挤不出来!
- No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn. 任何人都不准不按次序买票。
- No words can express the grandeur of that parade. 阅兵式那宏伟的场面是无法用语言表达的。
- Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
- No sooner had we left the village than it began to rain. 我们刚离开村子,天就下起雨来了。
- She is always wimpled that no man can see her visage. 她总是用包头巾围包著,没有任何男人能看见她的容貌。
- No food is left in the pantry except some bread. 食品柜里除了一些面包其它什麽也不剩。