- nihil dicit 无答辩
- Ego nihil timeo,quia nihil habeo. (既然)一无所有,(当然)无所畏惧。
- Qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris, dicit Dominus. 主曰,人从余,罔履冥崎,恒享神生真光。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted, and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- The Foreign Office was dulyconsulted, and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- The Foreign Office was duly consulted,and gave its nihil obstat. 外交部经请示后予以核准。
- BAN:Bureau of Administration of Nihil; Nihil:World Itself. 时空管理局(BAN)舰桥总控室.
- Sine tuo numine, Nihil est in homine, Nihil est innoxium. 除非有你的帮助,人便一无所有,人更一无是处。
- Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi 英译:Truth is afraid of nothing but concealment. 汉译:真相无所惧,唯怕被隐瞒。
- As Terence said in his play, homo sum, humani a mi nihil alienum puto (I am a human being, so nothing human is strange to me). 就像特伦斯在他的戏剧中说的那样,“我是一个人,因此对我而言人并不陌生”。
- Furthermore, this narrative strategy also uncovers Flaubert's playful attitude towards the existential nihil, and thus helps the writer transcend and poeticize reality. 本文认为,这样的叙述策略表现了福楼拜面对生存虚无的一种选择:游戏。这是作家超越现实、诗化现实的方式。
- Fama est nihil sine fortuna. 没有钱就没有名声。
- The article looked back the development history of nihil obstat,and contrasted the margin between our country and the developed nations in this realm,analyzed the reasons of fall behind,ap... 该文回顾了无障碍运动的发展历史,比对了我国在这个领域与发达国家的差距,分析了落后原因,呼吁切实加强无障碍环境建设。
- "'Nihil desperandum' is my motto." "我的箴言是'绝望也没有用'。"
- Dissertation for construction of nihil obstat surrounding in cities 论城市无障碍环境的建设
- Legal Discussion on Constructing Nihil Obstat Inhabited Environment 构建物质无障碍居住环境的法律探讨
- quantis igitur molestiis vacant, qui nihil omnino cum populo contrahunt! 压根儿不与众人沾边的人摆脱了多少烦人事啊!
- judgment by nil dicit 被告不抗辩情况下的判决
- nil dicit 无答辩
- 2 Et si habuero prophetiam et noverim mysteria omnia, et omnem scientiam, et si habuero omnem fidem, ita ut montes transferam, caritatem autem non habuero, nihil sum. 我若有先知之恩,又明白一切奥秘和各种知识;我若有全备的信心,甚至能移山;但我若没有爱,我什麽也不算。