- Mouth Opening - A New Angle Calder I, et al. 张嘴-新的角度。
- They discussed the problem from a new angle. 他们从新的角度讨论了这个问题。
- We're looking for a new angle for our next advertising campaign. 我们正在探索从一个崭新的角度去进行下次广告活动。
- A creative person tends to approach a problem from a new angle. 有创新精神的人倾向于从新的角度探讨一个问题。
- You may be able to impart knowledge that's innovative to those searching for a new angle. 水瓶座:你会给那些寻求新的角度人给予引导性的知识。
- His comments on Qu Yuan in Seven Remonstrations force us to reevaluate Qu Yuan from a new angle. 东方朔在日常生活中,既有嬉戏人生的一面,又有直言切谏的经历,其作品具有深刻的内容,而《七谏》一诗对屈原的评价,可以让我们从另外一个角度思考屈原的有关问题。
- Treat programming teaching, study C language from the game angle from a new angle. 从一个新的角度看待编程教学,从游戏的角度学习C语言。
- Therefore, the paper provided a new angle of view for the actualization of mass customization. 对大批量定制的实施提供了一种新的视角。
- The thesis explores the self-identification construction of Taiwan Intellectuals, which is a relatively new angle. 考察台湾知识分子自我认同建构,是较新的角度;
- The cultural philosophy provides a new angle for the explanation of gender equality. 摘要性别平等的文化哲学阐释提供了一个新的研究视角。
- And the combination of pragmatics and advertisement provides a new angle for the scholars. 语用学和广告的结合为广告学的研究提供了一个新的视角。
- It can provide a new angle to Chinese governmental organization reform by researching Barnard's institution thoughts. 巴纳德组织理论对政府组织改革具有一定的现实指导意义。
- The method of identifying target customer must have a new angle of view, adopting relationship paradigm in customer market. 关系范式在消费者客户市场中的引入,使得目标客户的确定有了全新的内容。
- If you cannot disabuse yourself of the idea of writing a conclusion, the conclusion should reflect on the discussion from a new angle and cast the overall work in a new light. 如果你不能消除自己写一个结论的念头,[那么]这个结论应当从一个新的角度反思[之前的]讨论,并且赋予整个作业一个新的视角。
- This paper trys to find out the inner connection of them and looks at Lu Xun's early writings in the vernacular from a new angle. 本文试图找寻出初涉新文坛时鲁迅生活与创作之间的内在联系,从新的角度审视其初期的白话文学作品。
- The study focuses on the psycholinguistic processes that lead to these errors , thereby offering a new angle for the research of L2 mental lexicon. 该研究关注词汇错误产生的心理过程,为心理词库表征的研究提供了新的视角。
- To realize that Jane Austen was a feminist will help us to read her novels from a new angle amid get rid of sonie conventiotial timisunderstandings. 认识到简·奥斯汀是一位女性主义作家有助于我们从一个新的角度阅读她的小说,井消解那些对简·奥斯汀的老一套的误解。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 这消息来自可靠的来源。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。