- network information era 网络信息时代
- We are living in the information era. 我们生活在信息时代。
- In an information era technology develops rapidly. 信息时代,电子技术以迅跑之势发展。
- Gets or sets the network information access level. 获取或设置网络信息访问级别。
- Chinese traveling network information sy. 中国旅游网络信息系统。
- No access to network information. 不能访问网络信息。
- The mankind society has already entered an information era characterized with digital and network, and Communication through network becomes a part of the modern people life. 人类社会已经进入了一个以数字化、网络化为特征的信息化时代,网络交流成为现代人生活的一部分。
- With the coming of the information era, city gets new developmental chances. 摘要随着信息时代的到来,城市有了新的发展契机。
- Demonstrates the NCLNetStat network information tool. 演示NCLNetStat网络信息工具。
- Library network Information resource Organization manages. 图书馆网络信息资源的组织管理。
- Our country is setting up digital forestry system. This is an important act for forestry to enter into information era. 国家林业局着手建立我国数字林业系统 ,这是林业迈向信息时代的重大举措。
- The Global Village has become a new dimension of thinking about the pattern of human culture in information era. 摘要随着信息化时代的到来,人类文化模式日益呈现出“地球村”的新思维尺度。
- Network information security is obviously lagging behind in network building. 网络信息安全工作明显滞后于网络建设。
- It is the new request for us to collect crime information and do the dynamic research on it in the information era. 全面收集、仔细研判犯罪情报信息,对信息实行动态化管理,是信息时代对侦查破案的新要求。
- VPN Gateway uses cryptograph algorithms to protect network information. 摘要虚拟专用网(VPN)的网关使用加密算法保护网络信息。
- An important feature of information era is the application of electronic compu ter. 信息时代的一个重要特征是电子计算机的运用。
- Deep Web; Network information resource; Information retrieval; U.S.A. 深网;网络信息资源;信息检索;美国
- It is necessary to monitor the real-time locale information on soil and water conservation in the information era. 摘要信息时代的水土保持监测需要应对现场实时紧急业务处理需求。
- Digital library is the development trend of traditional library, and the outcome of information era. 摘要数字图书馆是未来图书馆的发展方向,是信息时代的产物。
- It is a historical tendency to update the evolutionism gestated by material science and philosophy in information era. 作者试图说明,在信息时代,更新一个半世纪以来物质科学及其哲学观念孕育的进化理论,是历史的必然。