- network data dictionary 网络数据字典
- Using the online catalog as the data dictionary. 使用在线目录作为数据字典。
- Extracting the data dictionary into the redo log files. 将数据字典摘取到重做日志文件中。
- Use TLS to protect Unified Messaging network data. 使用TLS来保护统一消息网络数据。
- Successively with dataflow picture, data dictionary, function structure chart various kinds of datum analyticl system take of system in network analysis. 在系统的设计中,详细的展现了系统的各个功能模块。所需的数据库表及表字段。菜单的设计等。
- The previous Bluetooth device examples showed network data flow. 前面的Bluetooth设备示例展示了网络数据流。
- In storage module the network data is stored in MySQL database. 存储部分武汉理工大学硕士学位论文利用MySQL数据库来存储网络数据,主要供事后分析所用。
- A network data fault has occurred. Contact your system administrator. 出现网络错误。请与您的系统管理员联系。
- To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. 为了记录数据元素,分析员必须把每个数据列在数据字典内。
- It might even be enough to maintain a separate data dictionary document, of the sort familiar to database developers. 对于维护单独的数据词典文档,像数据库管理员所熟悉的那样,甚至注释就足够用了。
- Caution: No data in any data dictionary table should be altered or deleted by any user. 任何用户都不应该删除或修改数据字典表内的数据。
- When you do, it is extremely useful to include links to such standards, providing precise data dictionary references. 这时候包括这些标准的链接并提供精确的数据词典引用会非常有用。
- Data dictionary is the skelecton of object-oriented database so that to establish data dictionary is very important. 通过对面向对象数据库和关系数据库中数据字典结构的研究,建立和实现了面向对象数据字典;
- Key words: Student achievement manages system, function , characteristic , data dictionary. 关键字:学生成绩管理系统,功能,特点,数据词典。
- Consider your network data a neat little package that you have to deliver somewhere. 把你的网络数据看成一个你必须送到某个地方的干净的小数据包。
- Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst's understanding of the system requirements. 也许,数据流程图和数据字典为分析员理解系统的需求提供了最重要的文件,
- The paper introduces the concept of computer safety, measures and firewall technology and network data encoding. 简述计算机网络与计算机安全的概念;简述互连网的安全问题并提出解决办法;简述网络防火墙技术与网络数据加密技术。
- In the System / 36 interactive data definition utility, to remove an association between a file on disk and a file definition in a data dictionary. 在IBM System/36交互数据定义的实用程序中,用于解除磁盘文件与数据词典中文件定义间的联系。
- Caution: Altering or manipulating the data in data dictionary tables can permanently and detrimentally affect the operation of a database. 修改或操作数据字典表中的数据可能会给数据库的运行带来不可恢复的损害。
- For each term used in the schema, a data dictionary provides a description that informally fills in the semantics for that term. 对于模式中使用的每个项,数据词典提供的描述非正式地填充了这些项的语义。