- net pressure head 有效落差
- Curtain coat can be pressure head, flow head (WEIR) or roller curtain coater. 淋涂可能配压力嘴,淋涂滚。
- A silicone oil bubbler provides a positive gas pressure head inside the growth tube at all times. 硅酮油起泡器能始终在生长管内产生一正气压位差。
- In this thesis we investigate the net pressure load on an elastic body that is immersed in an inviscid fluid and undergoes compound vibration motion. 摘要:本篇论文探讨弹性体在流体中受到复合震荡的受力情况。
- Below the critical points, capillary resistance affects gas percolation, appearing the gas effective permeability increases as the net pressure increases. 在临界点以下,气体渗流受毛细管阻力影响,表现为气体有效渗透率随净压力增大而递增;
- It is frequently referred to as "pressure head" when expressed in terms of energy per unit weight of water. 当以单位水重的能量来表达时,经常看作为“压头”。
- The dimensionless net pressure, difference of Yang’s modulus and fracture toughness between reservoir and salutatory barrier also affected the behaviors of hydraulic fracture. 产层与突变体之间的弹性模量差异、断裂韧性差异以及缝内净压力无因次量是影响裂缝走向的重要因素。
- Surge tank in syste m can reservior transient flowrate and dampen out transient pressure head. 系统中设置调压塔可以调蓄瞬变流量和阻尼瞬变压力水头。
- In this paper,the influence of orifice-induced pressure head on pit corroded piping is studied. 研究了节流孔板引起的压差对含腐蚀坑点的管道系统的影响。
- The Dall flow tube is an empirical design with an extremely high pressure head recovery. Dall流量管是具有特别高的压头补偿的实验装置。
- It is composed of open type engine body, hydraulic power cylinder, upper pressure head, and lower type box. The type box can be collocated with manual four-positions renewal. 有开式机身、液压动力缸、上压头、下字盒等组成。下字盒可配手动四位根据用户要求更换。
- With three engineering examples, analyses the underheated problem because of deficiency of the pressure head and flow rate, and presents an effective solution to the problem. 摘要结合三个实例分析了供热管网末端用户因压头和流量不足而导致的不热问题,提出了切实可行的解决方法。
- The cone impeller lean backwards, the blending quantity is big and the pressure head is small, the advantages are: simple structure and low energy consumption. 这是一种叶片后倾一个角度的锥形叶轮,类似于高比转速的离心泵轮,扬送矿浆量大、压头小、功耗低且结构简单。
- After the game is subject to the pressure head coach the Hughes team's strength reason, shirked altogether has been on duty on president of the jury's body. 赛后备受压力的主教练休斯将球队的实力原因,一股脑地推卸到了当值主裁判的身上。
- The hydraulic analysis of pump for suction penetration of bucket foundation as well as the pressure head relation between bucket cavity and pump inlet for different water depths and different pump mounting heights are described in this paper. 对桶形基础平台负压沉贯过程中汲水泵机进行了初步水力分析,讨论了不同水深、不同泵机安装高度情况下,桶腔和泵机进口之间的压头关系。
- Our analytical expression for the pressure head variance in a one-dimensional, heterogeneous flow domain, developed using a nonstationary spectral representation approach [Li S-G, McLaughlin D. 我们的分析表达的差异,压头的一维,非均相流区,开发利用非平稳谱表示方法[李法兴,麦克劳克林d.;一份非平稳谱方法求解随机地下水问题:无条件地分析。
- He hit the tennis ball over the net. 他把网球打过了网。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
- The net weight of this jar of coffee is 180 grams. 这瓶咖啡净重180克。
- If I lose my job, I've got no safety net. 我丢掉这份工作就无计可施了。