- The likely net effect of the MSP on the U. 最低支持价格的影响将直接作用于美国。
- The net effect is that the particle is pushed inward. 最后的净效应就是粒子被向内推。
- The net effect of biases on international comparisons is easily summarized. 偏差对国际比较的基本影响容易概括。
- The net effect of the connecting system is to introduce losses and lags in response. 连接装置的净影响造成损耗和响应滞后。
- The net effect of Listing 7 is to record a count whenever I exit a monitored join point by throwing an exception. 清单7中最后的效果是,在通过抛出异常退出一个监视的连接点时记录一个计数。
- This means that carbon cycles through the atmosphere without accumulating, so the net effect on global warming is zero. 这意味着碳在大气中循环而没有聚积,因此对全球变暖的净效应是零。
- The net effect is that you wind up with a much better proportioned working space. 总的效果是你折腾出一个更符合比例的工作空间。
- The net effects on nations may clash with intuition. 对各国的净影响,可能与直觉知识背道而驰。
- The net effect of these conflicting tendencies has not been empirically resolved. 这种相互抵消情况的最终影响如何,在经验分析上尚未得到解决。
- The net effect is a reduction in spending, a contractionary shift in the IS curve, and lower national income. 净效用就是支出的减少,IS将向相反的方向变动,从而导致更低的国民收入。
- Even worse, when government attempts to subsidize prices, it has the net effect of inflating them instead. 更糟糕的是,当政府通过财政援助试图稳定物价时,反而却在这些行业造成了通货膨胀。
- The next 12 lines have the net effect of transforming the date to a three-letter format, with the last line removing the three slashes from the date. 后面12行的最后效果是将数据变换成三个字母的格式,最后一行从数据中除去三个斜杠。
- But since global temperature is rising, the net effect may be that western Europe stays the same, or gets just a bit warmer. 不过因为全球气温在不断上升,因此总的影响可能是西欧的温度保持不变,或只稍微变暖一点。
- Shape Keys can be mixed in several different ways. These methods have the same net effect of creating IPO data, but are different in interface. 变形键可以用几种不同方法混合,这些方法都有一个相同的结果就是创建IPO数据,但是界面不同。
- The net effect is that references are no longer opaque, but APIs are still burdened with the baggage of treating them as opaque. (例如,体系结构关于不透明引用的概念在2000年一次规范的更新中被忽略掉了,所产生的结果就是引用开始透明,但是API仍然背负着将引用视作不透明的重担)。
- The net effect of a ruffled border is to increase the cell surface area for contact with the collagen fibrils and apatite crystals being resorbed. 与骨组织相贴的部位(破坏和吸收进行的部位)表面凹凸不平,这样可以增加与骨基质的接触面积,有利于分解吸收胶原纤维和磷石灰盐成分。
- Let us talk more about the net effect as this rewiring process continues as it is happening with each and every one of you. 让我们谈论更多有关网路的效果当这电路重组程序持续在你们之中的每一个人身上发生。
- Also, and generally missed, the net effect of this massive increase in protection will be devastating to the environment for creativity. 而且,通常被忽视的一点是,这个不断累积加强保护的净效果会对创新环境产生毁灭性的影响。
- All of this was perfectly legal, but the net effect was that Goldman made profits by playing the rest of us for suckers. 从法律角度讲,这样做天衣无缝,但是最终的结果却是高盛将我们大家都给涮了,赚得大量利润。
- Contemporary critics did poke a hole in his debt-deflation hypothesis: rising real debt makes debtors worse off but creditors better off, so the net effect should be nil. 他的债务型通货紧缩假说也激起了同时期的批驳:不断上升的不动产负债会使得债务人更穷债权人更富,那么净效应便为零。