- negative assets account 负资产科目
- negative asset account 负资产帐户
- Be responsible for assets account and inventory check. 对资产的帐务处理及组织盘点工作。
- As you all know, the cause of todays negative assets is the uncertainty of Governments housing policy. 相信很多人都心里有数,负资产问题的根源,在于政府的房屋政策摇摆不定。
- These costs are charged to an asset account entitled organization costs. 这些成本计入一个名为开办费的资产账户。
- One academic proposed that negative assets owners be given mortgage interest tax free to relieve their burden. 一学者建议给予负资产业主按揭利息供款免税,以减轻他们的负担。
- A debit entry increases an asset account while a credit entry decreases it. 借方记录增加资产账户的数额,而贷方记录会减少这个账户的金额。
- During the motion debate on Negative Assets last month, I mentioned the seriousness negative assets might bring to Hong Kongs economy. 在上月的负资产议案内,我已提到负资产问题的严重性,足以拖累香港整体经济发展。
- All asset accounts normally have debit balance. 正常情况下,所以的资产帐户都应有借方余额。
- This in China are concerned, some people have actually become negative assets, the consumption of overdrafts, heavily indebted. 这个在中国来讲,实际上有的人已成为负资产了,提前透支消费,负债累累。
- The property price shock has been quite a severe one, resulting in many having to sit on negative assets and therefore shying away, to an unusual degree, from trading up. 物业价格大幅下挫,令大批业主变成负资产一族,因此都不想细屋换大屋。
- Of course, the critical factor is Governments housing policy. We all know that todays negative asset problem is a result of Governments uncertain housing policy. 当然,最重要的因素是政府的房屋政策,而今天产生的负资产问题的根源,便是政府的房屋政策摇摆不定,关于这一点,刚才我们的党魁已提及。
- The purchaser records the identifiable assets it has purchased at their fair market values, and then debits any additional amount paid to an asset account entitled Goodwill. 买家将其购买的可确认资产以公平市价记录,支付的所有剩余金额全部借记到名为商誉的资产账户。
- A survey has found that people with negative assets are at a greater risk of suffering from mood disorders. Sufferers display symptoms of persistent insomnia, fidgets and depression. 一项调查发现,负资产人士有情绪病的危险较大,患者持续出现失眠,烦燥和情绪低落的徵状。
- The cost of the truck is entered in an asset account, which in essence represents the advance purchase of these transportation services. 这辆卡车的成本记入资产账户,事实上代表了对这些运输服务的预购。
- A capital expenditure is recorded by debiting an asset account, the transaction has no immediate effect upon net income. 资本性支出需记入某些资产账户,对净收入不会马上产生影响。
- To reverse the downturn in retailing and speed up economy recovery, Government should help the middle-income group who are suffering from negative assets to resolve their difficulties. 因此,要刺激现时低迷的零售业和加快经济复苏,政府应设法帮助中产阶级,尤其是负资产一族尽快脱困。
- When a company acquires a patent by purchase from the inventor or other holder, the purchase price should be recorded by debiting the intangible asset account, Patents. 当一家公司通过向发明者或其他持有者购买而获得专利权时,购买价格应记到专利权这个无形资产账户。
- Capitalized expenses An item of cost usually charged to profit and loss but, because related to a period of construction, added to a capital asset account. 资本化费用一种费用帐目,一般计入利润和损失,但由于与一定时期的建设有关,因而纳入固定资产帐户。
- Forest Asset Accounting(FAA) acts an important and special role in the FSO. 森林资产核算在森林可持续经营过程中扮演了一个既重要又特殊的角色。