- Here is the best of nature tourism -. 这里是最好的大自然旅游胜地。
- Tiny swamp towns like Clarendon and Brinkley, which are heavily black and almost destitute[4], rely on nature tourism for the little economic activity they have. 靠着自然旅游业,它们的经济方才一息尚存。在布林克利,理发师会剪一种“象牙喙”发型,让每个人看上去都毫无二致。
- Tiny swamp towns like Clarendon and Brinkley, which are heavily black and almost destitute, rely on nature tourism for the little economic activity they have. 靠着自然旅游业,它们的经济方才一息尚存。在布林克利,理发师会剪一种“象牙喙”发型,让每个人看上去都毫无二致。
- Wenzhou and Taizhou coastal tourism regions come the last, but their human and natural tourism resources are well balanced with prominent natural landscapes. 温台(温州,台州)沿海旅游区最低,但人文旅游资源与自然旅游资源比较平衡,自然景观相对突出。
- Shanghai natural tourism resources are scarce, to the North Suxi Jan landscape dominated by the real landscape beauty when played in the Hangzhou Zhejiang Jiangxi hills. 上海自然旅游资源甚为匮乏,北向的苏锡扬以人文景观为主,真正的山水美景当在杭州起的浙赣丘陵。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。
- natural tourism resource planning contract 自然旅游资源规划合约
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- The girl is of a confiding nature. 这女孩具有轻信别人的性格。
- We enjoyed the beauty of nature. 我们欣赏大自然的美。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
- She had an eye for the beauty of nature. 她有鉴赏自然美的眼力。
- She hasn't much feeling for the beauty of nature. 她对大自然的美缺少鉴赏力。
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- It is one of the strangest things in nature. 那可真是奇怪的东西之一。
- Nature seems to be wakened from a deep sleep. 大自然好像从沉睡中被唤醒。
- I think we shall drink to the bounty of nature. 我想我们应该为造物主的慷慨赐予而乾杯。
- Human nature revolts at such a crime. 人性厌恶这样的罪行。
- Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质。