- A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 小孩儿不解善恶。
- Why does God withhold "knowledge of good and evil" from humanity? What is the nature of the curse pronounced by God upon man and woman? 为什么上帝隐瞒人类“善与恶的知识”?上帝在男人与女人身上所施予的诅咒本意为何?
- Most shocking tragedy happened, Titanic on the chaos in the critical moment, the human nature of good and evil, the noble and despicable more clear. 惨绝人寰的悲剧发生了,泰坦尼克号上一片混乱,在危急之中,人类本性中的善良与丑恶、高贵与卑劣更加分明。
- But the script here does a lot more, delving into the nature of good and evil, how one concept is meaningless without the other, and the nature of heroism and society. 小丑的口头禅)中。但是本片编剧丰富了它,深入到了善恶的本质中,没有任何一面,另一面是多么的无意义,和对英雄主义和社会的关系的本质阐释。
- Crew E: The dichotomy of good and evil. 善良与邪恶的集合体。
- All the chance of good and evil passed through his brain. 各种各样有利的和不利的可能性都在他的脑中骋驰往来。
- Not perhaps out of cunning or planning but because of his variety of interests or perhaps because of the nature of the universe, the interlinking of good and evil, natural of itself. 这,既不是出于阴谋诡计,也不是出于刻意安排,而是由于他利益的多样性,或者说是宇宙的自然法则,善与恶的相互渗透乃是自然本身的法则。
- Children at this age have no knowledge of good and evil. 这个年龄的孩子不会辨别善恶。
- If all they say of good and evil were true, then my life is but one long crime. 倘若他们所说的善恶都是真的,那么我的一生都是一场长长的罪。
- nature of good and evil 性具善恶
- Why is there the distinction of good and evil in the human character? 人性为何有善恶之分呢?
- Human nature oscillates between good and evil. 人必在善恶之间摇摆不定。
- He swept away the virtues and the vices, the established laws of good and evil. 他把美德和犯罪,把法律规定的所谓善和恶,统统置之度外。
- The use of light and dark symbolizes good and evil. 用光明与黑暗来象征善与恶。
- The question of good and evil reduced to one simple choice: survive or perish. 正义与邪恶的问题简化为一个选择:生存,还是灭亡。
- If all they say of good and evil were ture, then my life is but one long crime. 如果他们所说的善恶都是真的,那我的生命就是一个长久的罪过。
- In the battle of good and evil, before he finally fall in love deeply. 在善良与邪恶的最后交战之前,他深深的陷入爱情里。
- This is the knowledge of good and evil of which Adam and Eve partook. 这就是亚当和夏娃了解的有关善与恶的知识。
- She never learned to differentiate between good and evil. 她从没吸取教训,不晓得分清善恶。