- Love can excuse anything except Meanness; but Meanness kills love, cripples even Natural Affection. “爱情”,能够原谅除了“卑鄙”以外的一切,“卑鄙”会杀害“爱情”,甚至损伤“自然的感情”。
- The comity needs whole life to cherish , the natural affection needs whole life career ! I love you my friend! 友谊需要一生珍惜,亲情需要毕生经历!我爱你我的朋友!
- Contrary to natural affection or moral duty.Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason. 违反道德上义务的违背正常感情或道义的。用于遗嘱,其中立遗嘱人没有充分理由就取消其合法继承人的继承权
- Natural affection,is what i during a lifetime and all can not return,therefore,it is the counting on of my this lifetime that it destine. 爱我的人,希望能理解。一个人并不是为自己一个人而活在这红尘万千的世界,做人就得有负担,滚滚红尘,只是一个美丽的谎言。
- With a far-off, gingery air he brought forward this first offering upon the altar of natural affection, for offering it was, after all. 他于是用着一种审慎的神气把他这第一次的贡献送上天然情爱的祭坛,因为这毕竟是一种贡献。
- Contrary to natural affection or moral duty. Used of a will in which the testator disinherits the rightful heirs with insufficient reason. 违反道德上义务的违背正常感情或道义的。用于遗嘱,其中立遗嘱人没有充分理由就取消其合法继承人的继承权
- They were not only opinionative, peevish, covetous, morose, vain, talkative, but incapable of friendship, and dead to all natural affection, which never descended below their grandchildren. 他们不但性情顽固、暴躁、贪婪、忧郁、愚蠢、爱唠叨,而且什么友谊和自然情爱也谈不上了,顶多不过是对儿孙还有点感情。
- They are still strongly drawn by natural affection and human friendship to one person or another, and on their behavior in such things here below are based their imaginings of heavenly things. 这一个说这位圣人大,那一个说那位圣人高,从此生出嫉妒与不睦来了。愿意知道或探究这一类的事,不但没有一点益处,反倒惹圣人们厌烦。
- The natural affection, the friendship little more than good luck, is the destiny arranges for us in have no voice under want to walk of road, include the person whom we destine and meet in the life. 亲情;友情同样是缘;是命运在无声中为我们安排下了要走的路;包括我们生命中注定要遇见的人.
- a grandparent's natural affection for a grandchild. 祖父母对孙子自然的喜爱。
- Out of city, set out toward the natural affection 出城,向亲情出发
- The insurable interest of life insurance consists of two benefits, one of which is natural affectional benefit and the other is economic benefit. 人身保险的可保利益则由两部分组成:一部分是天然的情感利益,另一部分是经济利益。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 猫捉老鼠是本能。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- According to Achim Eckert, M.D., author of “Chinese Medicine for Beginners”, the Chinese believe that the elements of nature affect our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. 当火气过旺,人们就会变得神经过敏、焦虑不安和压力过大,这会让他们觉得必须掌控一切,自己去做任何事。
- Our motherland flows with natural resources. 我们祖国蕴藏着丰富的天然资源。
- Events took their natural course. 事态依自然进程发展。
- This naturally affects both the open file descriptors s and d because they both refer to the same socket. 如果这时尝试从套接口进行读入,会发送错误。
- She has a natural wave in her hair. 她的头发自然卷曲。