- And Chartist national conventions were held. 召开全国宪章会议。
- It is to be held in the national convention center. 会议将在国际会议中心召开。
- They knew they wanted to ask these questions in discussions with members of Congress and elected officials who would be at the national conventions. 他们知道,他们希望与国会议员,以及那些参与大会的代表们商讨这些问题。
- The Republican national convention was held in Houston. 共和党全国代表大会在休斯顿举行。
- The U.S. Democratic Party's National Convention opens in Denver, Colorado. 美国民主党全国代表大会在科罗拉多州丹佛开幕。
- A convention-goer is pictured at at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. 图为2008民主党全国代表大会上的一名与会人员。
- The end of the Democratic National Convention, Denver, Colo., 8/28/2008. 2008年8月28日,科罗拉多州的丹佛市。民主党全国代表大会的最后一天。
- Father is elected as delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Cincinnati. 父亲当选为辛辛那提州民主党全国大会代表。
- The Democratic National Convention is now underway in Denver, with Michelle Obama headlining tonight's opening session. 民主党国民议会现在在丹佛召开,米歇尔奥巴马将在今晚的会议中致辞。
- In 2004, he was the Democratic National Convention keynote speech has caused wide concern. 2004年,他在民主党全国代表大会上发表主题演讲后引起广泛关注。
- Poster session presented at the AAHPERD National Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah. 硕士论文,台北巿立体育学院运动科学研究所。
- At the Democratic national convention here, a Georgian delegation wandered around garnering sympathy. 在民主党全国代表大会上,一个格鲁吉亚代表团穿梭其中寻求同情。
- Hillary Rodham Clinton's name will be part of the roll call of the Democratic National Convention in Denver. 希拉里的名字将会称为丹佛市民主党全国代表大会名单中的一部分。
- The highest decision-making body of YBAM calls for a National Convention biennially. 马佛青最高决策机构为每两年召开的全国代表大会。
- Vice President George Bush is looking to President Reagan, a star attraction at today's Republic national convention, to give some sparkle to his presidential campaign. 布什副总统期望里根总统为其总统竞选活动注入一些活力。里根是今天开幕的共和党全国代表大会上最引人注目的人物。
- A representative chosen by primary elections to represent the party and vote for a particular candidate at the national convention. 预选选出代表准备在全国大会上选举候选人。
- President Eisenhower and Vice President Nixon were nominated for second terms in office by the Republican national convention in San Francisco! 在旧金山的举行的美国国会第二轮选票中,艾森豪威尔被任命为总统,尼克松被任命为副总统!
- Laura Bush's speech at the Republican National Convention next Tuesday anchors an evening schedule aimed at female voters. 下周二,劳拉·布什将在共和党全国代表大会上发表演讲,其中还安排了一个旨在争取女性选民的晚会。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。
- Event chairman Walter Fauntroy says his ball at the Gaylord National Convention Center will bring people from all over the world together to celebrate. 组织这一活动的主席方特罗伊说,这场舞会将在盖洛德国家会议中心举行,它将把来自世界各地的人们聚集在这里参加庆祝活动。