- A common language is a bridge between different cultures. 共同的语言是不同文化之间交流的桥梁。
- national common language 民族共同语言
- The English and Australians have a common language. 英国人和澳大利亚人有共同的语言。
- A common language is a bridge between cultures. 一种通用语言是沟通各国文化的桥梁。
- Describes common language runtime array types. 描述公共语言运行库数组类型。
- Employ English as a common language. 把英语当作共同语言使用。
- English is their common language. 英语是他们的共同语言。
- Britain and America share a common language. 英国和美国共用一种语言。
- It is common language now to say it like this. 现在日常说话都这样说。
- The common language of ASA soldiers and officers is English only. 亚安军各部队士兵和军官的公共语言是英语。
- The teacher expounded a profound truth in common language. 老师用通俗的语言说明深刻的道理。
- The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate (with each other). 缺乏共同语言很难(相互)联系。
- A modification of common language suitable for automatic translation by the equipment into machine or computer usable language. 一种通用语言的变形,可通过设备自动将它转换成机器语言或计算机可执行的语言。
- Chinese dragon totem is the basic feature It is enshrined in the national common totem God.Totemism is a most primitive form of religion. 中国的龙,具有图腾的基本特征,它是各民族共同崇奉的图腾神.;图腾崇拜是一种最原始的宗教形式。
- In the Homeric poems these Greek tribes speak one common language. 在荷马的史诗里,这些希腊部落操一种共同的语言。
- The common language runtime does not check this attribute. 公共语言运行库不检查此属性。
- They support the Common Language Specification (CLS). 它们支持公共语言规范(CLS)。
- Britain and America are two countries divided by a common language. 英美这两个国家因一国语言而生隔阂。
- Specifies an internal call into the common language runtime. 指定内部调入公共语言运行库。
- Specifies that the common language runtime enter a disabled state. 指定公共语言运行库进入禁用状态。