- Presents the two-dimension dimensional chain search arithmetic based on DFS. 提出了了异形异构尺寸链的概念,以及基于深度优先算法的二维装配尺寸链搜索方法。
- A linear equation in n variables represents a "hyperplane" in an n dimensional space. 应用数学与计算方法的相关知识在计算科学中佔有绝对的重要性。
- Geometrically speaking,new positions are selected from an N dimensional hyper-plane. 几何上说,新的职位均选自一个n维超平面。
- The design example shows that the reliability design of assemble dimensional chain can quan titatively reflect the satisfaction of design. 设计实例表明,装配尺寸链可靠性设计可定量反映装配尺寸链达到设计要求的程度。
- The paper draw the fuzzy mathematical principle into the tolerance distributing of the assemble dimensional chain, and presented the concept of fuzzy reliability of this chain. 将模糊数学原理引入到装配尺寸链公差分配中,提出了装配尺寸链装配模糊可靠度的概念。
- Let Nn+p(c)be an n+p dimensional Riemannian manifold with constant curvature c and Mn an n dimensional compact submanifold of Nn+p(c). It is known that there is a Simons'inequality when Mn is minimal. 设Mn是等距浸入在常曲率黎曼流形Nn+p(c)中的n维紧致子流形;若Mn是极小的;有著名的Simons不等式.
- It presents a direct and handy way pf drawing process dimension chain. 介绍一种直观、简便的作工艺尺寸链图的新方法。
- n dimensional spherical coordinates n维球坐标
- n dimensional rectangular parallelepiped n维长方体
- At the same time, a diagrammatical arithmetic based on computers is proved as the optimization approach to diagrammatize dimensional chains rapidly. 同时,提出基于计算机的尺寸链图解算法,才是快速、方便地实现尺寸链图形解算的最佳途径。
- To determine the relationship of nominal sizes, tolerances and limit deviation of closing link and component link based on the dimensional chains. 一、尺寸链的计算分析,以决定封闭环与组成环的基本尺寸、公差及极限偏差之关系。
- The above formulae may be applied to the study of the inversion of hypersur-faces in the Euclidean space of N dimensions. 应用上述公式讨论n维欧氏空间的反图法。
- The paper mainly solves the problem of reasonable dimensioning parts with the help of the concept of dimension chain. 因此,零部件图样上标注尺寸除应满足"正确、完整、清晰"外,还应做到合理。
- The CAC of Method of Traces for Dimensional Chain 尺寸链跟踪法的计算机辅助设计
- By analysis,we consider that the combination of N dimensions data entropy principle with HLC composite is an effective way.We have applied the composite way by computer. 通过分析比较,N维数据熵值原理选择法和HLC合成法的结合是一种有效的假彩色合成手段,并在计算机上实现了这种合成方法。
- Calculation of Correlative Link Dimensional Chain 相关环尺寸链的计算
- Then dimensional chains are automatically created by using dimensional model of feature primitive and locational constraints in the process of features combination. 然后利用特征形素自身的尺寸模式,以及特征组合过程中的定位约束自动生成尺寸链;
- The wide applications of reciprocity of processing dimensional chains in mechanical manufacturing and the importance for assuring machining quality are... 并着重论述了工艺尺寸链的相关性在机械加工中的广泛用途及对保证加工质量的重要意义。
- This text tries hard to combine dimension chain with production practice closely and elaborates the conversion of process size during machining. 力求将尺寸链原理与生产实际紧密结合,阐述在机械加工过程中关于工艺尺寸的换算问题。