- multistage fluidized calciner 多层流化煅烧炉
- Introduce the process flow, major equipment and the plant features of multistage ebullience fluidized calcination cooling technology. 介绍多层沸腾流化煅烧冷却技术的工艺流程、主要设备及装置特点。
- The fluidized calcinator is a newly arisen kiln, it have a big development foreground. 流态化煅烧炉是一种新兴的白云石煅烧炉窑,有着很大的发展前景。
- Moreover, based on the merit and the shortcoming of the fluidized calcinator, it provides a new spiral flow calcinator. 基于流态化煅烧炉的优缺点,还提出了一种新型旋流煅烧炉的设想。
- multistage fluidized bed agreed with the experimental data. draft tube 导流管多层流化床
- Experimental study on hydrodynamics of multistage fluidized bed column with a draft tube 带导流管多层流化床流体力学特性实验研究
- zinc fluidized calcination and acid industry 锌沸腾焙烧及剖酸工业
- multistage fluidized bed [化] 多级流化床
- In this paper three kinds of fluidization calciners, which have widely used in alumina production, are analyzed and compared. 对广泛应用于氧化铝工业生产的三种流态化焙烧炉进行了分析和比较,指出了三种炉型各自的特点和不足。
- A multistage rocket projects missiles into space. 多段式火箭把导弹发射至空中。
- Design of Multistage Power Amplifier in Ku Band. Ku波段多级功率放大器的研制。
- This paper studies a multistage survival model. 分阶段生存模型的均衡保费计算。
- Spouted fluidized bed is a novel powder granulator. 喷动流化床用于粉体造粒,是一种新型的造粒方法。
- Renovation of mutil-channel coal burner of calciner. 分解炉的多通道煤燃烧器的革新。
- A multistage operation improves the thermal efficiency. 多层操作可以提高热效率。
- Keywords dolomite calcination;rotary kiln;erect kiln;fluidized calcinator;spiral flow calcinator; 白云石煅烧;回转窑;竖窑;流态化煅烧炉;旋流煅烧炉;
- Multistage DDM overcome the limitations of the Gordon growth model. 多阶段DDM模型克服了戈登成长模型的限制。
- To anthracite, adopting off-line type CDC calciner is more reasonable. 尤其是针对无烟煤,采用离线型CDC分解炉更为合理。
- Material Erosion of Transition Region in Circulating Fluidized Bed. 循环流化床转折区磨损实验研究。
- Preheater and calciner is key equipment for precalcing production technique. 预热器和分解炉是新型干法水泥生产技术的核心设备。