- Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference. 矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间; 差异
- A point of divergence, especially one of great moment. 转折点分岔点,尤指需要作出重大决择的时刻
- An instance of divergence or disagreement. 矛盾之处不相符之处,不一致的例子
- Darwin called this the principle of divergence. 达尔文把这个称为性状趋异原理。
- It arises because of the horizontal divergence. 它是由于水平辐散而出现的。
- Turn the mode dial to select multi exposure mode. 把模式盘转到多重曝光模式。
- The divergence time is now greater than 30 sec. 发散时间超过30秒。
- A mininal error results in weld divergence. 差之毫厘,谬以千里。
- It arises because of the horizontal divergence . 它是由于水平辐散而出现的。
- The Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 印度大宗商品交易所。
- Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. 和印度多种商品交易所。
- Multi Vision TM Confined Space Gas D. 密闭空间气体检测仪。
- Are you looking for a great multi purposes herb? 您寻找一伟大多purposes草本吗?
- Used as the base data for the MULTI counters. 用作MULTI计数器的基数据。
- Multi freezing air orientation,freezing equably. 多重变换冻结气流方向,冻结均匀。
- There is no single laser fit for all purposes. 没有单一种激光器能适用于各种用途。
- The US is a multi racial nation. 美国是一个多民族国家。
- How does a laser beam vaporize steel? 激光束是怎样使钢气化的?
- The divergence of a vector function is the scalar function. 矢量函数的散度是一个标量函数。
- It can be considered a multi stage carburizing. 这一过程可以看成是一个多段渗碳过程。