- The dacryocystorhinostomy with inferior lacrimal ductule intubation in the treatment of mucocele of lacrimal sac 下泪小管插管泪囊鼻腔吻合治疗泪囊黏液囊肿
- mucocele of lacrimal sac 泪囊粘液囊肿
- ObjectiveTo evaluate the clinical value of lacrimal duct stent for treatment of lacrimal sac mucocele. 目的评价鼻泪管支架植入术在治疗泪囊黏液囊肿中的应用价值。
- Proceeding anastomose for 16 loser of lacrimal sac and nasal cavity anastomose surgery again. 方法:对16例鼻腔泪囊吻合失败者再行吻合。
- Dacryocystography was preformed in all patients before operation to confirm the obstructive sity and the size of lacrimal sac. 术前造影以了解泪囊的大小和阻塞的部位,以选择最佳手术适应证。
- Results The curative ratio for all the patients were 90.6%.The anatomical structure of lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct were reserved. 结果治愈率为90.;6%25,且保留泪囊和鼻泪管原有的解剖通道。
- However, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of lacrimal sac lesion, especially in patients with chronic epiphora and painless swelling of lacrimal sac. 然而在诊断泪囊肿瘤时,我们仍应该将其列为鑑别诊断之一,特别是当病人有长期溢泪以及泪囊的无痛肿块时。
- Methods Using square caliper, compass and protractor, 23 heads of adult cadaver specimens were examined including the shape, direction and the thickness of wall of lacrimal sac fossa. 方法:利用游标卡尺、圆规、量角器等,对23具(46侧)成人尸头的泪囊窝和鼻泪管各壁的构成、厚度、倾斜角度进行测量。
- congenital fistula of lacrimal sac 先天性泪囊瘘
- Excision of fistula of lacrimal sac 泪囊瘘切除术
- Excision of lesion of lacrimal sac 泪囊病损切除术
- Excisional biopsy of lacrimal sac 泪囊切除活组织检查
- Anastomosis of lacrimal sac to conjunctival sac 泪囊至结膜囊吻合术
- Fistulization of lacrimal sac into nasal cavity 泪囊至鼻腔造瘘术
- Incision and drainage of lacrimal sac 泪囊切开引流
- Destruction of lesion of lacrimal sac 泪囊病损毁坏术
- Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac 泪囊结石取出术
- Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac by incision 泪囊切开结石除去术
- Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac 泪囊异物除去术
- Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac by incision 切开泪囊异物除去术